Page 38 of Meet Dare

“I’m bleeding.” Elizabeth licks her lips and gags. “Blood. Gross.”

“I’m surprised you’re not used to it.”

She sticks her tongue out at me but the action causes her to cringe. “Ow. My head hurts.”

“Which is why we’re going to the hospital. Or we will be going once River crawls out from under the bed.”

“About that.” River clears his throat. “I’m kind of stuck.”

“Get Beckett and Phoenix,” I order Gabrielle and she hurries off.

She returns seconds later with Beckett hobbling behind her. Lilac trails after them.

“What happened to you?” I ask him.

“River dropped your couch on my foot. I think it’s broken.”

“I didn’t do it on purpose,” River shouts from under the bed.

“Why is River underneath the bed?”

“He’s stuck.”

“How did …” He cuts himself off. “Never mind. I don’t want to know.”

“Do your arms work?” I ask and he nods. “Can you lift the bed?”

“Yeah, asshat,” River yells. “My woman is bleeding and needs to get to the hospital. Maybe a little less talking and a little more action.”

Beckett limps to the bed and lifts the frame, except nothing happens. He grunts and tries again. His face turns red and sweat pops out on his forehead. “A little help.”

Lilac grasps the other end of the bed. “Not you. Where’s Phoenix?”

Lilac blows out a breath of air. “Are you saying a woman is not as capable as a man in performing manual tasks?”

“I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”

“Because I’m of the weaker sex and I should stay home and knit all day?”

“Don’t be silly. You don’t know how to knit.”

“Hello!” River hollers. “Maybe you could have an argument about women’s rights when I’m not stuck under the bed while Elizabeth is hurt.”

“I’m fine,” Elizabeth says. “I don’t need a doctor.”

“I’ll be the judge of your condition.”

“How are you going to judge anything when you’re stuck under the bed?”

Phoenix enters the room, takes one look around, and marches to the bed to lift it up. River scurries out and rushes to Elizabeth.

“Bessie, can you hear me, Bessie?” He lifts up the towel and his face blanches when he notices the amount of blood.

She swats her hand at him. “Of course, I can hear you. You’re in my face.”

“We’re going to the hospital.”

“I don’t need the hospital.”