Page 19 of Meet Dare

“One word. Tips,” I lie.

Her eyes narrow. She knows I’m a liar since I technically don’t need the cash. My parents inherited an obscene amount of money when we were young. Since then, no one in the Dempsey family has needed to work. We all do, though. Except Olivia. I have no idea if she works. She doesn’t exactly keep in touch.

“What do you want?” I ask before she interrogates me about why I’m working atElectric Vibes.

“Can I get a pitcher of margaritas and a pitcher of beer?”

“Margaritas?” I scoff. “I’ve got something better for you.”

“I’m fine with …” I show her my back before she can finish her complaint. I quickly mix up a pitcher of Jack Frosties for her. Considering the alcohol content in these drinks, she won’t be back anytime soon.

“What the hell is this?”

“Jack Frosties. You’re welcome.”

“What’s in it?”

I wave and walk off to help another customer. She’ll learn soon enough the drink is made of vodka, prosecco, Blue Curacao, and lemonade, although I may have added a bit more vodka than strictly necessary.

Elizabeth needs the liquid courage. She’s been going back and forth about giving River a chance for the past week. It’s driving me batty. She finally made a decision to go for it today, but I’m not convinced she’ll stick to her guns. Thus, liquid courage.

The next hour flies by as everyone orders drinks before the game can begin. Apparently, the residents play this wishing game every New Year’s Eve. It works like this. You put your wish for the new year in a jar. Lennon reads the wishes out loud, and everyone guesses whose wish it is. Whoever guesses the most wishes correctly gets to lower the ball at midnight.

I didn’t put a wish in the jar. I work hard for what I want. I don’t wish it to come true.

“Bets are closing,” Sage hollers from her spot next to the stage.

“What are they betting about?” I ask Soleil.

“This is Winter Falls. They’ll bet on absolutely anything, but the big bet at this moment is your sister and River Alston.”

This I know. The gossip gals have their sights set on matching River and Elizabeth. It’s not a bad bet since Elizabeth is in love with River.

Lennon taps the microphone. “Next wish.” He reads the card, and his eyes widen as a smile spreads across his face. “I wish for River to be my boyfriend.”

I chuckle. My sister Elizabeth is such a dork sometimes.

River’s response to the wish is immediate. He kisses my sister before hauling her out of her chair and throwing her over his shoulder.

“Go, River!” I holler and wolf whistle at them.

Once they’re outside, I open the window behind the bar toeavesdrop.

“Do you want to return to the bar to yell at your sister or do you want me to escort you home, strip you bare, and worship every inch of you?” River asks Elizabeth.

“I vote for worshipping!” I yell out of the window.

Elizabeth must agree with me because they run off down Main Street. Phew. I hope this is the end of the Elizabeth and River rollercoaster because I am ready to get off. Friends. Lovers. Enemies. Lovers. Friends. Enemies. Who can keep up?

The rest of the night passes in a blur as I mix drinks. By the time two a.m. hits, my feet are killing me, my t-shirt is soaked with sweat and something sticky, and my hair is plastered to my face.

After I lock the front door behind Soleil, Lennon, and the rest of the employees, I nearly collapse against it. Tonight was crazy busy. At this moment, I wish I lived in Winter Falls. A thirty-minute drive back to White Bridge is going to be hell. I should make myself a coffee for the drive, but I don’t have the energy.

I walk through the bar switching off lights as I go until I reach the back door. I exit and lock the door behind me. When I turn around, a large figure lumbers toward me. I scream and retreat until my back hits the wall.

“Don’t eat me, Mr. Bear,” I beg with my eyes closed and my hands covering my face.

“Mr. Bear?”