Page 18 of Meet Dare

“Are you sure you don’t want to come to the bar for New Year’s Eve? It’ll be fun, I promise. I can—”

I cut myself off when I realize I’m begging. Cassandra’s life rules are quite clear in this aspect. No begging a man for what you want.

“I’m sorry, princess,” Archer mutters.

“Whatever. I’ll see you when I see you.”

I hang up before he can answer. The last thing I need is to listen to him make excuses. If he doesn’t want to spend time with me, I won’t force him to. I’m not some needywoman.

“You ready?” Lennon asks as he enters the storage room.

I shove my phone in my back pocket. I feel it buzz with a message, but I ignore it.

“All ready.”

“Your family is coming.”

“I’m aware.” Elizabeth and Gabrielle will be here with River and Phoenix. I told them I’d meet them here.

“There’s no keeping secrets in Winter Falls.”

“I know.”

“You make up your mind yet?”

I don’t need to ask him to clarify. He poses the same question every night before I begin my shift. Am I going to buy the bar? I don’t know. I’m ready for the next step in my career and buying a bar is the logical choice. But isthisbar the one for me?


He leans against the door. “This’ll give you something to think about. The town approved you.”

“The town approved me? Do I need the town’s approval to own a business?” I’m officially confused.

“All the property on Main Street is owned by the town itself. You need the town council’s approval to operate a business on Main Street.”

I cross my arms over my chest and glare at him. “Why didn’t you tell me this before?”

“I’m old, not stupid. I knew you wouldn’t give the bar a chance if you knew.”

He’s not wrong. I love Winter Falls and how zany the people are here. But apparently zany equals nosy as hell and I wrote the book on privacy restrictions.

“When do you need an answer?”

“As soon as possible. TheCalifornia Zephyrbooks out months in advance.” I giggle at the idea of the hippie traveling on a train cross-country and he sobers. “Seriously, Cassie. Soon. You’re my first choice as successor, but I don’t have long.”

I grasp his forearm. “Are you okay? Are you sick?”

He pats my hand. “No. Just tired.”

I consider him. “You wouldn’t lie to me, would you?”

He winks. “Never.”

“Lennon,” one of the extra bartenders hired for tonight, Soleil, bustles into the room. “The ball keeps falling on the dance floor.”

After they rush off, I pick up a case of Heineken before making my way to the bar to re-stock. By the time I spot my sisters in the crowd a while later, the bar is packed.

“Why are you working tonight?” Elizabeth asks when she bellies up to the bar.