Page 11 of Meet Dare

Lennon starts toward the bar, but I stop him. “I got this. You talk to your friend.” I nod toward Sage.

“What can I get you?” I ask the blonde.

“You?” She sneers. “You’re next? This is unbelievable. Un-freaking-believable.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m merely the bartender here.” I prefer the term mixologist, but I don’t think this woman cares about my preferences at the moment.

“Don’t be jealous,” another woman says as she approaches carrying a crate of beer.

“Jealous. What would I be jealous about?” I ask her.

I’m confused, which is nothing new in Winter Falls. I often feel as if I’m joining a conversation after it’s started when I’m here.

She sets the crate of beer on the bar. “Here you go.” What she doesn’t do is answer my question. Typical.

I point toward the beer. “What’s this?”

“Lennon said you’re low on the Naked Falls Brewing Winter Bok.”

“You’re from the brewery?”

“I’m Moon.” Before I have a chance to introduce myself, she adds, “And you’re Cassandra.”

“Is the meet and greet over now? I want to order,” the blonde snaps.

Moon gestures toward her. “And this is Love Hill. Don’t worry. Her bark is bigger than her bite.”

“I’m going to die of thirst in here,” Love Hill says.

Moon rolls her eyes. “Don’t be overdramatic.”

“I’m not being dramatic,” Love Hill insists.

“Please. You put the drama in dramatic.”

“What can I get you?” I interrupt to ask.

Love Hill smirks. “A Ramos gin fizz.”

If she thinks she’s tricking me, she’s in for a surprise. There’s a reason I refer to myself as a mixologist after all. A Ramos gin fizz is notoriously difficult to make because it requiresvigorous shaking during each step to create the perfect foam and consistency. Shake too much and the drink becomes too frothy.

I search the shelves for the necessary ingredients and gather them on the bar along with a shaker. I add the syrup, gin, heavy cream, lime and lemon juice, egg white, and orange flower water to the shaker.

“Are you from Winter Falls?” I ask Moon as I work.

“Born and raised.”

“And you work at the brewery?”

“Hey!” Love Hill interrupts. “Shouldn’t you pay attention to what you’re doing?”

I roll my eyes. This drink needs to be mixed for at least five minutes. I can chit-chat and shake with my eyes closed.

“I’m good,” I tell her. “The brewery?” I prompt Moon.

“I work there, and I work at the inn, too.”

“Busy girl.”