Page 12 of Meet Dare

I stop to add ice to the mixture before giving it an additional shake to get it well chilled. I pour the drink into a cocktail glass, add a bit of club soda to the shaker, and swish it around to pick up the remaining egg and cream. I top the drink off with the egg mixture before placing it in front of Love Hill.

“There you go.”

She purses her lips as she considers the glass. I lean on my elbows to watch as she takes a tentative sip. Her eyes widen before she guzzles half of the drink down at once. She stands and walks to a table near the door.

“You’re welcome,” I holler after her.

“Congratulations,” Moon says, and I return my attention to her.


“For winning your first encounter with the mean girl of Winter Falls.”

I chuckle. “If you think that was an encounter, you ain’t seen nothing yet.”

“I have a feeling this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”

Sounds good to me. I could use some new friends since my sisters are now too busy with their men to spend time with me. Although, there is Archer. I plan to spend as much time with him as possible until he departs for greener pastures.

I haven’t spent more than one night with the same man in decades, but with Archer, I can since he isn’t staying. There’s no danger of me falling in love with him when he’ll be gone in a few weeks.

The future is looking brighter than I expected.

Chapter 5

Ashlyn – a woman who thinks you’re never too old to believe in imaginary friends


Iclutch the stuffed bear in my hands as I stare at the door to my brother’s house. I haven’t seen Rowan in over a year, but when he told me his wife, Ashlyn, was pregnant, I couldn’t stay away. I’ve been in the area for over a month now and haven’t worked up the courage to visit yet. But Ashlyn had their baby a few days ago. I can’t stay away any longer.

I lift my hand to knock, but the door opens before I can connect with the wood.

“I was starting to wonder if you were ever going to knock,” Rowan greets. Before I have a chance to respond, he wraps an arm around my back and slaps me a few times. “Good to see you, brother.”


“Come inside and meet our little girl.”

I hand him the stuffed bear before following him into the house. Ashlyn waves at me from her spot on the sofa. “I’d get up but big guy here won’t let me.”

“You’re supposed to be resting,” Rowan growls at her.

“I am resting. I’ve been sitting in this very spot for one hour and fifty-two minutes.”

Rowan sighs. “You remember Ashlyn?”

I lean over to kiss her cheek. “How could I forget the girl who protested the cheerleading squad by streaking across the gym?”

“First of all, I didn’t streak. I was wearing shoes. Second of all, you had already graduated and left Winter Falls when the ‘alleged’ event occurred. You shouldn’t know about it.”

I chuckle. “It’s funny you think you can keep a secret in Winter Falls.”

“And, finally, those girls should have begged me to be on the cheerleading squad.”

Rowan cocks a brow. “Despite your inability to do a cartwheel?”

“I still don’t understand what the big deal about cartwheels is.”