Page 78 of Meet Dare

“What about me?” Juniper asks.

“As I understand it, no one wants to be a bridesmaid when the entire ceremony will be live-streamed on Entertainment Tonight.”

Juniper fists her hands on her hips. “It’s a rumor. It’s not true. My wedding will not be live-streamed.”

Aspen pats her shoulder. “You’re the one who fell in love with Maverick Langston, aka Hollywood’s favorite romantic comedy hero.”

“I’m still not having my wedding live-streamed. And I want all of you to be there as my bridesmaids.”

Lilac nods. “Good.”

Juniper narrows her eyes on her older sister. “You knew my wedding wasn’t being live-streamed the entire time. You tricked me into asking you to be my bridesmaid.”

I chuckle. Lilac may drive me nuts sometimes – most of the time actually – but she can be awesome when she wants to be.

“The bigger question I have is who’s number eight?” Aspen asks. “There are four West sisters – me, Ellery, Juniper, and Ashlyn – and three Dempsey sisters – Gabrielle, Elizabeth, and Cassandra. If my math is correct—”

“Says the math hater who triggered the fire alarm anytime there was a test in high school,” Ellery interrupts to say.

Aspen sticks her tongue out at her sister. “That makes seven bridesmaids and one bride. Who’s the eighth bridesmaid?”

Ashlyn snorts. “It’s not her best friend. Since we are her best friends.”

Lilac isn’t offended by Ashlyn’s statement. “Correct.”

“The suspense is literally killing me,” Elizabeth mutters.

“Suspense can’t actually kill you,” Lilac claims.

“It can if I have a heart attack because my heart is going ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum.”

I roll my eyes. Elizabeth and her drama. “It’s probably one of her colleagues. Or a cousin.”

“We don’t have any cousins,” Ashlyn says.

“We do, too,” Aspen argues. “Mom has three step-brothers. They have four children between them.”

“I meant female cousins. We don’t have any female cousins.”

The door bangs open. “I’m here!”

No. It can’t be. I know that voice, but I haven’t seen her since we moved to Colorado. I’ve barely spoken to her. Why would she be here? How did she get here?

“Olivia!” Elizabeth screams before rushing to our oldest sister and tackling her. They end up in a heap on the ground.

“Glad to see you haven’t changed any,” Olivia mutters as she pushes Elizabeth off of her and stands.

“I’ve changed!”

Olivia snorts. “Really?”

Elizabeth’s face crumples at Olivia’s response and I fist my hands before I slap my older sister. Violence is wrong, but damn I wish I could slap some sense into my sister once in a while.

“Ahem.” Gabrielle clears her throat before approaching Olivia with her chin tucked in. I frown. Why is shy Gabrielle returning? “Hi, Olivia.”

Ashlyn sidles up to me. “This is the long lost sister?” she whisper-shouts.
