Page 79 of Meet Dare

“You don’t appear happy to see her.”

Because I’m not.Liar.Fine. Maybe I’m a bit happy. But Olivia abandoned us. Does she think she can just sashay through the door and we’ll welcome her back? Guessing by the hug Gabrielle’s giving her, she does.

“Why are you here?” I demand.

“Why wouldn’t I be here? Our brother is getting married.”

“Ourbrother? I seem to remember someone screaming at Beckett about how he was dead to her.”

Elizabeth rushes to stand in between us. “No fighting. Today is a joyous occasion. We’re picking out Lilac’s wedding dress.”

“And the bridesmaids’ dresses,” Ashlyn adds. “This one’s pretty.” She twirls around in a canary yellow dress.

“How did you—”

Juniper cuts Lilac’s question off. “I got this.” She shackles Ashlyn’s wrist and drags her away.

“How did you know where to find us?” I ask Olivia once Ashlyn and Juniper are gone.

Lilac clears her throat. “I invited her.”

“Okay, but how did she actually get here? Why did she come?”

I have more questions, but I don’t want to air our dirty laundry in front of the entire West clan who are all leaning close to ensure they don’t miss a word. Rest assured. News of Olivia’s arrival will spread through the Winter Falls’ gossip chain before we leave this bridal boutique.

Olivia scratches her neck. A dead giveaway she’s about to lie.

“I thought it was time to come see what all the fuss is about with this Winter Falls place.”

I cross my arms over my chest and glare at her.

“Why don’t you try telling the truth this time?”

She leans close to snarl in my face. “Why don’t you mind your own business?”

I throw my arms in the air. “How is this not my business? You’re literally standing in a room with all of your sisters and your soon-to-be sister-in-law. Why you showed up is definitely my business.”

“Why don’t we all calm down? Olivia is here. Nothing else matters.”

I roll my eyes at Elizabeth. She’s all puppies and rainbows when it comes to family. Family first is her motto. Gag.

“She’s allowed to ignore us for two years and then show up as if nothing happened? What kind of bullshit is this?”

“I don’t think you’re supposed to say bullshit in a bridal boutique,” Gabrielle whispers.

“Why not? Will Voldemort show up and Avada Kedra us?”

“It’s Avada Kedavra,” she corrects.

“I seriously don’t give a flying fig.”

Lilac steps next to me. “I brought her here.”

I cock an eyebrow because I need more of an explanation than ‘I brought her here’.

“I paid for her airline ticket.”

This is getting weird. The Dempseys aren’t exactly poor. Olivia could have paid for her own ticket. Unless…