Page 69 of Grump's Nanny

“Well, I give up,” I said. “How in the world did you manage to charm Chuck Goodwin? He’s notoriously hard to please.”

Haley spun as I guided her, turning back into my arms and allowing me to press her against me once more. “I just have away of hearing people. It’s one of the things Anna has always said she liked about me.”

“I can see why,” I said. “You’re a star tonight, Haley. I couldn’t be happier you came with me.”

Even in the dim lighting, I could tell Haley blushed. “I guess that means we’re married socially, huh?” she said.

I could hear the questioning tone behind her words and it made my heart race like a twelve-year-old at his first school dance.

“I suppose it does,” I said back. We danced together quietly for a few minutes, her head on my chest as we swayed, then I asked her, “Is that something you want? Marriage.”

I could feel Haley nod yes. “But only if I find someone worth having a marriage with.”

“Smart,” I said slowly. “Marriages aren’t easy. You need to find someone who will make the hard work worth it.”

We stopped and she stared into my eyes. I knew that she was thinking what I was thinking. That maybe we could be worth it for each other. I leaned in and kissed her, for the first time not caring what others might think.

“You wanna get out of here?” I asked. “I can get someone to shut this down when everyone leaves.”

Haley nodded vigorously and ran to go say goodbye to Anna and Kevin.

I, on the other hand, pulled in my party coordinator and gave her instructions for the rest of the night’s schedule.

“It will be one hundred percent taken care of, Mr. Warner,” she said.

“Thanks, Sandy,” I said. “You’re a lifesaver.”

I met Haley at the exit of the ballroom and we walked to where my car and driver waited. I helped her in before sliding in behind her.

While we rode, Haley put her head on my shoulder. “You make me feel like Cinderella,” she said.

Jane’s words came back to me. First the finch and now this?

“Well, you certainly deserve it,” I said, kissing the top of her head and her lips. “Now what was it exactly that I was waiting until the party was over to do?” I grinned at her mischievously.

She returned my smile and put her hand softly on my lap, rubbing my cock with just one clandestine finger. “Believe me, James. The minute we’re in that suite, you will know exactly what I meant.”

Chapter Twenty-Seven


“Come on, Benny!” I called to him. “You’ve got this!”

He was up at the top of the slope, ready for his first run since his fall a week ago. He was staring down at me, and I could almost see him shaking with fear even this far away. He’d been anxious about it all morning, and on the walk here, he didn’t even try to race his sisters.

But he was still determined to face his fears, and I was so proud of him. He’d told me every day for the last week about how he was going to do it, how he was going to ski down the hill without falling so he’d know he could do it and stop being afraid.

I yawned as I waited for Ben to be ready. I’d been unusually tired for the last week, but that could easily be attributed to me staying up late so that James and I could have some alone time, which, more often than not, ended with him inside of me.

I had never been with someone whom I had such incredible chemistry with. Even with Max, who I’d really cared about, I hadn’t had this level of intimacy so quickly. The sex had been good, but something about my connection with James was otherworldly, and it was even more so when we slept together.

And as for sleeping together, I’d fallen asleep in his bed every night for the last week and had to make sure I was up and back in my room before the kids—specifically Leann, since she was already looking at us pretty keenly—woke up and caught us. We still hadn’t put a definition on the relationship, but it was clear that this was more than something casual, and I didn’t know what that might mean for my future.

I yawned again as Ben stepped aside to let Katie go first to give himself more time. After Ben’s fall last week, she was a little gun-shy herself, but she was quick to overcome whatever fear she may have been feeling. She sped down the hill, completing the run without falling for the first time.

“All right!” I said, bending down to give her a high-five. “That was great!”

“I did it!” she squealed, then threw her arms around me.