Page 68 of Grump's Nanny

I didn’t respond, at least not verbally, but rather ran a hand up her thigh and inserted one of my fingers deep inside her. My other hand went to her hips to steady her, as my touch made her writhe in pleasure.

Her voice rumbled with desperate need, and I wrapped the tip of my tongue thoroughly around her clit, drawing circles as she squirmed more and more.

“Oh God, James,yes!”

Haley pressed herself so thoroughly against my mouth that I stopped possessing the capacity to breathe. But if this was where I died, it was a a hell of a way to go.

I felt Haley begin to slide a little as she came and I stood to catch her when her orgasm slowed. She immediately reached up and took my dripping face into her hands.

“Dear God, you are good at that,” she said, her face positively beaming.

“It’s not work if you love what you’re doing, right?”

Haley giggled and leaned her dripping body against me. I leaned in and kissed her, my red hair hanging down over my face like a willow.

“Well, this certainly can’t be one way, can it?” she asked with a devious grin.

I put my hands up to indicate I was up for anything and she trailed her hand down me, grabbing me firmly in her fingers.

Her touch was intoxicating, as always, and I didn’t mean to but I thrust up into her palm.

“Calm now, big boy,” she said. “The fun is just starting.”

God, the way she said things drove me wild. Like she was in charge and she was just pretending to let me be. It made me want to do filthy things to her and claim each and every act.

Her stroke became more measured and faster, and I could feel her drawing my orgasm from me.

“Haley…” I breathed, quietly. “Hale—”

She withdrew her hand and turned away, squeezing some shampoo into it. She began to hum a jaunty melody and my mouth dropped open. What was going on?

“Everything okay?” I said, my voice slightly cracking with the discomfort of being edged to an orgasm then being left unfinished.

Haley looked over her shoulder at me. “Oh yes,” she said. “I just wanted to give you a taste of what’s coming after the benefit.”

I gaped at her, totally shocked that she would do this. “Baby?” I said in a half gasp, half chuckle. “Haley, you are gonna be in so much trouble for this.”

“Good,” she said, turning to me with soap running down that delectable body. “As long as you wait ’til we get back here to administer any consequences. I will happily take my punishments.”


This was precisely how I ended up at the dinner, shaking hands with local celebrities and doing some very deep breathing every time I caught sight of Haley’s lovely visage.

She spent a lot of time with Anna, but when she didn’t, she was busy charming the pants off all the old fogies who came to put it on their taxes too.

Everyone who met her adored her, and I had several of my friends come up to me to tell me she was delightful.

I couldn’t help but beam with pride every single time because Haley didn’t need me to shine, and I loved that. A man like me, someone with money and status, could never be attached to a woman who couldn’t carry their own. And for Christ’s sake, Haley was practically a damn Olympian. It was safe to say she was a force to be reckoned with on her own.

At about nine p.m., I walked to where Haley was standing and talking to the Olympic coordinator associated with the event.

“Nice to see you, Chuck,” I said, putting my hand out to shake his. “I’m going to need to borrow this gorgeous creature for a moment.” I turned to Haley. “Would you do me the honor of sharing a dance with me?” I asked, giving a little bow.

Haley, who looked every bit the goddess in her crimson gown and white satin-gloved arms, smiled gracefully and nodded. “It was nice to meet you, Charles,” she said.

“Please,” he said. “It’s Chuck to friends.”

I whisked Haley away to the dance floor and began to sway with her to something slow.