Four black arrows sail toward us, but we manage to dodge them. As they nock more on the string, I release a thunderous roar.
“Stop!” I bellow. “I have come with the King’s cousin! She is in need of a Healer!”
Ignoring my statements, they send another volley of arrows. I dip my wing to the left, but too late. An arrow sinks deep in my right shoulder.
Brovyn releases an angry roar and releases a stream of flame at the nearest turret. As fire races toward the bow, the archer dives down the stairwell and out of harm’s way. He turns his attention to another bow, but a glowing shield slides over it instantly.
“What is—”
“Stop!” A voice calls out, and I turn to find King Kyven of the Fae and three of his warriors flying toward us. His purple Dragonfly wings fluttering furiously as his lavender eyes flash with anger. He runs a hand through his short, silver-white hair and bares his fangs. “Why are you here?”
I open my mouth to answer, but pain spreads through my shoulder like fire and I grit my teeth. What is it with these humans and their damned poisoned arrows?
I land in the center of the courtyard, shaking the ground beneath us. My warriors gather in a circle around me and their queen. Fire licks at the back of my throat as Kyven and his warriors circle us.
King Varys appears in the courtyard a moment later. “What are you doing here? Why have you—”
Carefully, I lay my T’kara on the grass at my feet. Using the last of my strength, I shift into my two-legged form and then scoop her limp body up into my arm, cradling her to my chest. “My queen needs help! Bring us a Healer!” I demand. “Now!”
“What is the meaning of this?” A human male, wearing a gold crown, with short, blond hair and striking green eyes walks toward us. “What are you—”
He halts abruptly at the sight of Freyja. “What happened?” His eyes are wide. “What have you done to her?”
“She is my mate and my queen, and your cousin,” I grit through my teeth. “I brought her here to save her. Now stop wasting time and fetch a healer,” I roar. “Now!”
Kyven and Varys walk toward me. Varys moves to take her from my arms, but I growl. “Do not touch her. She is mine.”
He exchanges a glance with Kyven and then motions for me to follow him. “Come! Hurry!”
I follow him and King Edmynd through the castle. It feels like an eternity before we reach their healer. I stop short and a vicious growl rips from my throat when I see a Mage standing on the other side of the entrance. “Why is he here?”
“This is High Mage Ylari,” Varys quickly says. “He fought against the Order; he is not with them. He’s with us.”
Us? I give him a questioning look before I push past the Mage and into the room. A human woman with long, braided brown hair, streaked with gray moves to my side and motions to the empty bed. “Place her there.”
Gently, I lay Freyja atop the stark white sheets, watching anxiously as the Healer moves her hands over her. “What is the nature of her injury?” she asks. “What—” She sucks in a sharp breath and stumbles forward, managing to catch the edge of the bed before she falls. Her eyes are wide as she stares down at Freyja.
“What is it?” King Edmynd asks.
“She is too close to death. I almost got pulled in with her. I—” She shakes her head, fear marring her features. “I cannot help her.”
“Get away from here!” I growl, flashing my fangs, watching as she pales and collapses into the chair behind her. I spin to Edmynd, unable to contain my frustration and fury. “Fetch another Healer!”
Edmynd nods to one of his guards and the man sprints down the hallway, presumably to find someone else.
Kyven steps forward. “Let me try. I might be able to help her.”
A snarl curls my lip as I turn to him, rage flooding my veins. “Save her or I’ll—”
“Do notthreaten him!” A woman’s voice calls from the doorway, and I turn to her, frowning when I see a woman with long brown hair and hazel eyes, a circlet gold crown across her forehead.
“Grayce!” Kyven rushes to her. “You should not be here. Go back to the room, where it is safe.”
“I’m not going to harm him,” I growl. “But I need him to save my mate.”