She blinks several times. “You are married to our cousin?”

Another woman with blond hair and hazel eyes comes up behind her, gasping at the sight of my T’kara. I recognize her immediately as Queen Inara—Varys’s mate. “What happened?”

“We fought against the Mages that came to invade Arganth. Freyja used too much of her power to save us.”

Varys glances at his mate. “This happened with Inara too, but I was able to share my life force with her. It saved her.” He steps closer. “Freyja is your Fated One. Use your life force to—”

“If I knew how, I would,” I tell him, unable to hide the desperation in my voice. “My kind possess fire, not magic like yours.”

“I believe I can help you,” Kyven says.


“Before I was King, I was a second son,” he says, reminding me of his father and his older brother’s unexpected deaths, not long ago. “I trained to be a Healer. I may be able to create a link between you and try to give some of your life force to her, through the connection.”

“Do it!” I command.

“There is risk,” he says a bit hesitantly. “Both of you could perish.”

“I would rather chance it than live without her.” Emotions lodge in my throat but I somehow manage to speak around them. “If the goddess of death takes her this night, she will have to take us both, for I will not let my T’kara go to those dark shores alone.”

“Very well,” Kyven says. “Let us begin.”

He places three fingers on Freyja’s forehead and three on mine. “Close your eyes and focus on my voice,” he says, the words flowing through me like water.“Follow my voice and let it guide you to your mate,”his voice echoes in my mind.

I blink and Freyja is standing next to the heart tree. The wind blows through her hair, tussling her long scarlet locks as silver-white leaves whirl around her, catching on the silken strands. Dressed in her green tunic dress, her back is to me. “Freyja,” I call softly to her.

She turns and a brilliant smile lights her features. I rush toward her, gathering her in my arms.

She twines her arms around my neck and whispers against my skin. “I thought I would never see you again.” Her voice quavers. “Forgive me.”

Tears sting my eyes. “Why did you not tell me what you saw?”

“If I had, you would have left me behind, and you would have died, my love.” A tear slips down her cheek. “My wonderful, arrogant, Dragon king. I love you too much to let you die.” She presses a tender kiss to my lips, and I taste the salt of her tears. “I’m sorry we did not have more time, Aurdyn.”

I cup her cheek. “You’re not going to die, Freyja. You cannot die, my T’kara.”

“Aurdyn.” Sadness shines in her eyes. “I—”

“I saw our future,” I tell her. “I saw our son.” Her luminous eyes search mine as I continue. “So, I know you will not die.” I take her hand and place it on my chest, directly over my heart.

As her gaze holds mine, I understand now what Varys tried to explain. To save what is most important, I must be willing to sacrifice my own heart—the very life force that beats within me.

I drop my forehead gently to hers. Closing my eyes, I whisper. “Here is my heart, Freyja. My love is in here. Take it. It is yours, my T’kara. Use it to heal, and come back to me.”

Intense heat surges through me, flooding my veins like liquid fire. I grit my teeth against the pain. It feels as though my very soul is being ripped in two and then sewn back together as my life force feeds into hers, healing her and instilling new life into her body.

Agony sings through my very bones and I release a thunderous roar as I fight against the death that seeks to claim us, before falling away into peaceful oblivion.



When I wake, I’m in a large, fluffy bed. The gray stone walls are vaguely familiar, but my mind cannot yet place them as I climb through a haze filled fog to the surface as I slowly awaken.

“I am fine.” I recognize Aurdyn’s voice immediately. “Do not touch me. It will heal.”

“Stop being stubborn, and let me check it,” an unfamiliar man’s voice says.