Page 27 of Domencio DeLuca

“There’s an asshole here who’s having the most amazing winning streak I’ve seen in a long time. Either he’s lucky as fuck or he’s manipulating the machine. You know which one I think it is. I started to intervene but thought you might want to have some fun with his cheating ass.”

“Which machine is he playing on?” I inquire, driving through downtown. I’ve always thought Shreveport was beautiful at night with lights from the casinos and surrounding buildings.

“He’s on the Triple 7’s, second row from the back. He has on a New Orleans Saints jersey and blue jeans,” Batista replies.

“Tell the staff not to speak or approach me. I’ll be there shortly,” I stated, then ended the call.

One thing I can’t stand is a fucking thief. If that son of a bitch thinks he’s going to get away with trying to steal from me, he’s in for a rude awakening.

I made it to the gaming house in record time. I parked in my reserved spot and went inside. I made a beeline to the machine the man is playing on, ignoring my staff as they stare on. As I got to where he was, the machine went crazy. Lights flashed and bells dinged indicating he had hit another jackpot. I sat at the vacant five dollar slot next to him.

Pulling my wallet out, I remove a fifty dollar bill, then insert it into the machine. I glance over to see his winnings. He’s close to ten thousand dollars. The amount is not much to me but it’s the principle of what he’s doing.

“Damn, looks like you picked the right machine to play on,” I said, noticing his phone sitting on his left thigh.

“You can say that” he returns, hitting max bet, then the spin button.

As I played the minimum bet, I silently observed what he was doing. There are many techniques used to manipulate a slot machine and it didn’t take long for me to figure out he was using a PRNG cracker application from his phone. Aslot PRNG systempasses a seed or key to a complex algorithm formula, generating the game's result in every spin.The app helps cheaters determine which point in time a slot will use a seed that has a high-paying result.Their phone will notify them when to spin the reels through vibration.

The man claps his hands as he wins again. His total is now three thousand dollars higher.

“Shit,” I groan, losing the last of the fifty dollars. “This low bidding slot isn’t paying shit. Luckily, I know the owner and have access to the hundred dollar slots in the private room in the back. I usually have better luck back there than out here.”

Hearing that piques his interest. “There’s other machines in the back?”

“Yeah” I reply, turning towards him. “And the payout is way better.”

I can see the calculating deception in his eyes as he asks, “Do you think I can get back there?”

“Sure,” I say. “You can go with me, and I’ll let them know you’re a friend of mine. What’s your name?”

“Darren White”

Extending my hand out to him, I say, “Nice to meet you, Darren. I’m Craig Armstrong.”

“You too, Craig,” he returns, shaking my hand.

Letting his hand go, I stand. “Cash out your winnings and we’ll head to the back.”

Darren nods, then hits the button for his ticket to print out. Once it does, he also stands. I start to lead him to the locked door to the back. I knocked on it three times.

“Yeah” Batista says from the other side.

“It’s Craig Armstrong. My friend and I would like to play the slots in the back.”

This wasn’t something new to Batista. We’ve done this many times before.

The door unlocks, then opens.

“Mr. Armstrong it’s good to see you again,” Batista says, playing along. “You and your friend are welcome to play.”

“Thank you,” I say, walking past him with Darren following me.

Every one of my gaming houses has a room to deal with crooks like Darren. He may think he was about to hit the ultimate score, but I have other plans for him.

After hearing Batista lock the door behind us, I lead Darren to the first door on the right. Opening it, I step inside. When Darren notices there’s no slot machines in the room, he tries to retreat but is forcefully pushed inside by Batista. Only a table with two chairs is in the room.

“What the fuck is going on?” he questions with his eyes quickly moving from me and Batista. Batista not so nicely removes Darren’s wallet from his back pocket.