Page 26 of Domencio DeLuca

Chapter 8


Surprisingly, dinnerwith Sydney was good. We were able to discuss what we expected in our new relationship as well as our professional lives. We talked about the possibility of combining our family’s empires in the future to become the most powerful family in Louisiana. But for now Sydney thought we should continue business as usual. When the conversation turned to Smitty, things took a different turn.

“Look Domencio, I’m all for this getting to know each other but at the end of the day, you and I have a target on our back. The only way to get rid of it is to find the source,” she said, tossing her fork on the plate. “We need to put a stop to it before it starts.”

Not surprised by her reaction, I state, “And I totally agree, while I have my ideas on how to deal with the situation, I would like to hear yours.”

“I think we should take a trip to New Orleans and confront his family head on. Your family is still there, so we’d have a home front advantage,” she says.

Though it’s a good idea, I didn’t want to bring any more heat to my family in New Orleans. It’s been years since I left, but that kept the police from fucking with me every time I go back to visit.

“While I totally agree with your idea, I think it would be better to take them on here. They don’t know the ins and outs of Shreveport, but we do. That as you said, will give us the home front advantage. Until then, we will continue as usual, but I do suggest that you add more security at your office as well as here. I will do the same.”

Sydney left my grasp and went back to her seat. “Fine, but if I feel suspicious about anyone around me, I won’t hesitate in putting a bullet in them.”

“And I wouldn’t have it any other way, sweetheart,” I returned before finishing off the last of my beer.

We continued to enjoy our meal and the conversation switched from Smitty to her wanting to accompany me to an arms deal I had scheduled for the next day. I had no secrets to hide from Sydney, so I was happy she was interested in learning about that side of my business. I guess she felt the same way because she gave me the name of the dealer she bought her bullets from.

When it was time to go, Sydney walked me to the door.

“Batista and I will pick you up around noon at your office. Will Booker be joining us?” I asked, standing on her porch.

“Now you know I don’t roll without my right hand. Of course, Booker will be coming,” she replied as I placed my hands on her hips.

I leaned down and kissed her cheek before saying, “Good to know. I’ll make sure we have one of our SUVs to transport us.”

“I think that would be wise. I’m not sure Booker and Batista care too much for one another. So, the more room, the better.”

I chuckled. “They’ll just have to learn to get along. Now that we’re building a relationship together, they might as well get used to being around each other.”

“That part,” Sydney said before I captured her soft lips with mine. “Mmm,” she moaned as our kiss became heated.

Fuck, I knew if I didn’t stop, I wouldn’t leave her house. I would’ve taken Sydney back inside and made love to her all night, but I knew our time was coming, and when I did take her, there would be no turning back. She would fully be mine.

Moving back from Sydney, I glanced at her swollen lips. Damn, if that shit wasn’t sexy as hell.

“Go inside, Sydney. I will text you when I make it home,” I told her, not really wanting to let her go.

“Make sure you do,” she returned.

As I gave her one last kiss goodbye, I palmed her firm ass cheeks before swatting the left one.

“Shit,” Sydney murmured.

Smirking, I took a step back. “Dream of me tonight,” I said before happily walking away to my car.

Not even ten minutes into my pleasant ride home, Batista calls.

“Batista” I greet through the Bluetooth.

“Hey, I’m over here at the gaming room off Youree and Regal drive. You gotta come see this shit.” He laughs.

“What’s going on?” I ask, turning on to North Market Place.