Page 24 of Domencio DeLuca

Dom puts a spoonful of etouffee mixed with the rice in his mouth and begins to chew as I wait for him to continue. Once he swallows, he says, “After finding out you were S. Morgan and seeing what you would do to those who disrespected you, my curiosity was piqued, not to mention behind your beautiful exterior is a woman who commands respect without saying anything. So yes, I had my IT guy get information about you. I found out that you were going to be at Ruby’s, so I made plans to be there at the same time.”

Glaring at him, I question, “Why not say that at first? If you had, then I wouldn’t have pulled my gun out on you.”

Dom falls back into his chair, saying, “Because at the time I saw that your parents weren’t aware of you being at Blue Bayou and there had to be a reason. So, I took the brunt of everything even with you willing to put a bullet in me. I wasn’t going to let your parents know what happened that night, but you jumped the gun.”

“I did,” I snicker.

“And I don’t blame you. Your folks think that you are now on the up and up, but there are some things from our past that we can’t let go of,” Dom says.

“And what was it from your past that you couldn’t let go of?” I ask, swirling the wine around in my glass before taking a sip.

Dom clears his throat, replying, “As I said I let go of the narcotics side of our business, but...I’ve always had a fascination with guns, so we still deal in the arms trade. Which is why I’m curious to know how I’m not privy to those bullets of yours. How did you get them?”

I gawk at him before cracking up with laughter. “Are you serious?”

Is the big bad Domencio DeLuca feeling left out of the loop?

“Yes, I’m serious. I’ve dealt with people all around the world, and I have access to weapons that the government isn’t aware of except those bullets.”

Getting myself together, I say, “Well, with reach like that you should have known about them. I do have an inside man at the Pentagon who keeps me up to date. It could be because I don’t deal in selling weapons, he let me have them. Or maybe he let me have them because he was trying to be overly nice. I think he has a crush on me.”

“Either way could lead to him six feet under, so if he wants to continue to be among the land of the living, you should give me his information,” Dom declares.

Tickled by his response, I ask, “And how are you going to do that if I don’t tell you who the man is? You should know things are not how they used to be when our daddies were in charge.”

“Trust me, I know that,” Dom says. “But that still doesn’t answer my question.”

“Remind me of the question,” I play off, digging into the garlic mash potatoes.

I don’t know why the primal grunt that left him stilled my movements. This is a prime example of the Southern Italian magic he has put on me. As I lock eyes with his lust filled ones, my core begins to throb. Dear Lord, what have I gotten myself into?

“How did you get those bullets, Sydney?”

The look on his face is one of business but his eyes are saying something other than that. They’re of a feral lion ready to pounce on the head lioness.

My appetite for food has gone out the door and has been replaced with want and desire. The little voice in my head is saying, ‘you wouldn’t be in this mess had you not opened the door.’

Tired of the back and forth, I ask, “Domencio, what do you want from me?”

“Everything!” he barks. Moving his hands between the two of us he says, “And in return, you will have everything in me. I’m not going to tiptoe around that.”

“No one can give a person their all, Domencio,” I state, sipping my wine.

He chuckles. “I can and I expect the same from you. Most importantly, I don’t believe in sharing. If we’re together, we’re together. I suggest any male friends you may have, need to be informed that you no longer have any extra time for them because it now belongs to me.”

Leaning my head to the side, I say, “Not that I’m agreeing to this, but what about any lady friends you may have? I’ve been around men in our business and other than my daddy, I’ve never known any of them to be faithful.”

“And you’re right. I’ve witnessed it myself with my own daddy. Even though he loved my mother and married her, he was never faithful to her. I have a half brother and sister from his outside affairs. I saw how that deeply affected my mother and I swore when I found the woman who is meant for me, I would never put her through that shit. So, as for me having lady friends, that shit ended the night I laid eyes on you. Look Sydney, all I’m asking is for you to give us a chance. I’m not going anywhere, so you might as well get used to seeing me around. I’ll show up at your office everyday with chargrilled oysters until I wear you down.” He wiggles his eyebrows at me.

Snickering, I state, “Fine, Domencio. We can see how things go.” He smiles, but I hold up my hand. “If I don’t like how things are playing out, then we will part ways with no hard feelings.”

“Trust me, things are going to go the way we both want, Sydney. As far as our business, we’ll keep that separate from our personal relationship unless we ask the other for their opinion on a prospective contract, but at the same time we need to be by each other’s side when dealing with motherfuckers who come at us the wrong way. Deal?”

“Deal,” I agreed, extending my hand for him to shake on it.

Dom takes my hand in his and instead of shaking it, he lifts it in the air, causing me to rise from my seat. He pulls me around the table. Once in front of him, he lets my hand go, placing his hands on my hips, then guiding me to sit on his lap.

“This is where you should have been sitting all along,” Dom whispers, nuzzling my neck.