Page 23 of Domencio DeLuca

Chapter 7


I’m sure if I would’vehad been chewing on any food, I would have choked from Domencio’s words. I’ve dealt with some bold men in my past but none of them were as frank as Domencio DeLuca. First, he held my hand the entire time during Sunday’s dinner, and now he has proclaimed the one thing I’ve been daydreaming about since that day.

I don’t know what kind of Southern Italian magic he’s put on me, but Domencio has plagued my thoughts of him doing naughty things to me, so to hear him say those words, instantly sent a shiver down my spine. I’ve spent the last forty-eight hours trying to get him and the passionate images of our bodies doing positions I have only seen in the Kama Sutra book out of my head.

I could’ve reached out to him to give me what I wanted after getting his information from my computer expert, but I’m not the type of female to chase down a man. I don’t know him. Do I want to know him? I have to say, he does intrigue me.

There is a reason why I’ve been single for the last two years. My last relationship ended when my ex and I got into an argument when I caught him out with another woman. Apparently, the woman hadn’t heard of me or my family because she tried to rush me only to end up on her ass with a gash in her forehead. My ex went to her defense and started calling me everything except a child of God. His words didn’t affect me, but when he raised his hand to slap me, let’s just say afterwards, he had to learn how to write with his left hand.

Since then, I’ve concentrated on building my empire and hanging out with the people I know I can always trust, my family. But somehow the Southern Italian has snuck in under my Spidey senses and I don’t know how to deal with that. I don’t know how to deal with this. I’m usually on my A game and would never let a man inside my house this soon, but here I sit at my dining room table entertaining Domencio DeLuca.

Dom was right though, I did have two chances to shoot his ass, and didn’t. I think I did that to scare him off. I wonder if I shot him at Ruby’s would he be sitting at my dinner table right now? Nothing life threatening, just a bullet to his leg or arm. Out of respect, I couldn’t kill him because he did take up arms with me. Knowing Domencio’s cocky ass, he probably would be here after all of that. One thing I can say is the man is persistent.

“Am I right, Sydney? And please don’t lie.” Domencio asks, grabbing my attention.

Mentally pulling up my big girl panties, I reply, “You’re absolutely right, Domencio.”

“Dom,” he insists.

Intertwining my fingers together, I respond, “Yes, Dom you’re right.”

“I know I am,” he smugly says, finishing off his beer.

I steeple my fingers, then point them at him. “You asked me not to lie to you, so I’m going to ask you the same.”

“What do you mean?” he wants to know, putting the empty bottle on the table.

Rising from my seat, I reach over and pick up the bottle.

“If you want me to be honest with you, then I expect the same. I’m going to get you another beer and my bottle of wine. In the meantime, I want you to think over if you’re going to continue to lie to me about coincidently showing up at Ruby’s the other day. You and I both know that it wasn’t, but I want to see if you’re going to keep the lie going. Think about that while I run to the kitchen.”

Before he can say anything, I escape into the kitchen. If Dom wants to pursue a relationship with me, then I’m going to need complete honesty and that starts with why he was at Ruby’s.

After tossing the empty bottle in the garbage, I got another from the refrigerator. I removed the cap and grabbed my bottle of Sauvignon Blanc.

As I re-enter the dining room, Dom is spooning crawfish etouffee over the dirty rice on his plate. Taking my seat, I hand him the bottle of beer, then refill my glass.

“So, was that enough time for you?” I ask.

“Actually, I didn’t need that much time.” He replies. “Although we might have given up some aspects of our lifestyle, like me, I’m sure you still have ways of finding out things you need to.”

“I do,” I return.