Page 61 of The Ruthless Greek

“You don’t need to worry about that. If your brother knows what’s good for him, he’ll show up. I’m sure Tahir doesn’t want anything to happen to his beautiful little sisters,” Dutch said as his eyes roamed over my body like a predator. I ignored his lecherous looks as the driver continued to take us to our destination. Thank God his phone started ringing to take his attention off me. While he talked in a hushed tone, I prayed Tahir had contacted Yiorgos.

Not long after, we’re parked in front of a shabby house in Riverdale. I’ve been in this area before because I had an ex-boyfriend who used to live in the neighborhood. The part Dutch brought us to was one that is part of the new redeveloping projects. By the way the old, boarded up houses looked, the city hadn’t made it to this area yet.

Before we got out of the car, Dutch and KP bound our wrists before leading us into the house.

“I can tell she has all the mouth, so make sure they are gagged before they come face to face with Tahir.” Dutch instructed to his men as he glared at me.

As we were walking up to the door, it swung open with a thin brown skinned woman with weave longer than mine standing in the doorway. “What took y’all so long?” Her eyes focused on the way Dutch was visually eye fucking me. “And why the fuck are you staring at her like that?”

Dutch quickly switched up his demeanor as he barked, “Who the fuck you think you’re talking to, Slim?”

Slim sucked her teeth, knowing her man had lustful thoughts directed at me. Maybe she didn’t want to lose her status or what Dutch provided for her, but she carried on like the previous shit moments earlier didn’t happen.

She seductively smiled at Dutch as she caressed his arm, replying, “Baby, I was only asking what took y’all so long because I was starting to think something might’ve happened.”

Slim’s womanly overtures seemed to do the trick on Dutch as his words came out calmer, “I got a call on the way over here about some product, so I need to go oversee that. By the time I get back, their sugar free ass brother should be here. Rolo and KP will stay here with you. No one is to touch them. I’ll bring back a couple more people to keep a lookout while we take care of Tahir.”

Slim nodded, then ordered, “Take their asses to the back.”

Rolo and KP followed her instruction as Rolo grabbed my arm before pulling us into the house. The inside looked like just as bad as the outside. The smell of the room was a mixture of weed smoke and musk. A dirty couch sat along the wall and in front of it was long coffee table with a book under one leg that was broken. On top of the table was drug paraphernalia and empty forty-ounce bottles. A flat screen television was on, leaned up against the wall with the sound on muted. There was also a card table and chairs. The whole room made me want to hurl and the dank, musty bedroom they took us into, then pushed us down on a dirty mattress wasn’t any better.

“Hope you like your accommodations,” KP laughed as they left the room, leaving the door open.

Zoe gave me one of her stealthily looks as I leaned over and whispered, “Zoe, I know you’re pissed and so am I, but we have to try and remain calm. Tahir, Yiorgos, and the others are coming and when they do we have to be ready, okay?”

“How can you be so sure?” Zoe asked.

“Just trust me,” I told her.

I knew she wanted to argue but Zoe agreed. As the hours seemed to pass, we came up with ways on how we were going execute our plan. When we heard the first knock on the door, I hoped it was Tahir, but it turned out to be a food delivery man. Their rude asses didn’t even ask if we were hungry or wanted some water, not that I would’ve taken it anyway.

The next time there was a knock at the door I knew deep in my bones it was Tahir. Rolo and KP pretty much confirmed it as they came into the bedroom and tied rags around our mouths.

“This is so you bitches don’t be screaming out to your punk ass brother,” Rolo said once they were finished, then they went back to the living room.

I glanced at Zoe and winked. Shit was about to go down.

Finally, we heard Tahir’s voice coming from the living room. If he was there, then Yiorgos, Basil and the rest of his people were close, at least I hoped.

As we listened to his exchange with them, I started to worry. Did Tahir come there alone? Did he not let Yiorgos know about the message he got from Dutch? If he didn’t then Dutch and his men are going to kill for sure and there wouldn’t be a damn thing Zoe and I could do. And what was going to happen to us? All kinds of shit were eating away at my brain. I closed my eyes, hoping this was part of a plan Tahir and Yiorgos came up with but when I heard Dutch’s voice, my eyes popped open.Fuck.

Dutch was talking so much shit to Tahir, I wanted Tahir to punch the shit out of him, but I knew that would’ve ended his life sooner. As Tahir told Dutch he wanted to see us, Zoe and I held our composure. That skank Slim and Rolo came and jerked us up, then took us to the living room. Rage filled me as I saw Tahir with blood running from his mouth. I had made my mind up then that was not how we were going out. As I told him we would see each other again a sense of peace came over me as I looked at the boarded-up window and a pair of blue eyes stared back at me. Yiorgos. I winked at him, knowing the odds were in our favor but Zoe nor I could wipe away our tears and Tahir started to cry. After he made his declaration that this would never happen to us again, shit hit the fan.

Dutch thought using me and Zoe as shields was going to save him, but once we dropped to the floor his men fell like bricks, leaving him the last man standing. I was glad Yiorgos let Tahir take Dutch’s life. Because of Dutch, Tahir had to leave his family without saying goodbye, then Dutch tried to take us away from him and still wanted to kill Tahir. When Tahir fired the shot, I was just as proud of my big brother then as I was when he used to take up for us when we were younger.

Before Dutch’s body could hit the floor, Yiorgos and Basil ran over to me and Zoe and cut the zip ties from our wrists. I was so overcome with joy, I broke down again as I hugged Yiorgos tight. He picked me up, then told the others, “You know what to do,” before he whisked me from that hell hole. Yiorgos and Basil put Zoe and I in the back of Malichi’s car before they got in too. Tahir jumped in the driver’s seat, then took off. Exhaustion must have put me to sleep because the next thing I knew, Yiorgos was waking me up. We were parked in the circle drive of the condos.

As we got out, I noticed Basil carrying a still sleeping Zoe. On shaky legs, Yiorgos guided me to the elevator. He held me close as it took us up to condos. When we got out, Basil went to the left with Zoe while Yiorgos directed me to the one momma and daddy stayed in.

“Why aren’t we going to the one we stayed in before?” I questioned as we approached the door.

“My father, uncle and cousin are in that one. They’ll leave to go to my uncle’s house once the others return,” he replied as he opened the door.

Wow, his family didn’t play. They all came out to help save us.

“I did notice some new faces with you,” I said as he ushered me into the master bedroom, then to the bathroom.

Yiorgos leaves me by the sink as he went over to the tub. He turned on the water, testing its temperature before clogging it.