Page 60 of The Ruthless Greek

One by one we left the house. With Kitten in my arms, I hoped the rats would feast off Dutch and his people’s bodies before the police find them.

Chapter 17


Istill can’t believethe shit that happened with Dutch. That asshole had Zoe and I tied up in some funky old house. After he took us, my only hope was that Lena and Melonie were okay. They didn’t deserve what his men did to them.

As I lay across Yiorgos’ chest, gazing out the window at the stars in dark sky, the scene at the bookstore plays over and over in my head. How could I have been so careless?

Zoe and I were picking out color pallets for the walls when there was a knock on the door. Lena with her free spirited self asked, “Do you want me to get it?”

Not thinking anything about it because we thought it was the food we ordered twenty minutes earlier, I told her to answer it. Shit quickly changed when a man grabbed her around the throat, then proceeded to push her inside.

“If you don’t want her neck to get snapped, then I suggest you keep your fucking mouths shut,” he said as Lena gasped for air.

As he manhandled Lena back into the store with two armed goons behind him, I knew he was Dutch.

“I only need you two,” he said, pointing to Zoe and me. He then went to one of his goons and whispered something in his ear. The whole time, Lena is crying while using her hands to pry his grip from her neck. The guy laughed as he started walking towards Melonie. Melonie tried to shout out, but the man knocked her out with a hard fist to the side of her head. My heart and body jumped to her defense, but the other man tackled me. As I fought to get him off me, the sight of Dutch’s guy with his gun pressed against Zoe’s head ceased my movements.

Dutch drew a sobbing Lena closer to him, stating, “Tahir knows who I am and if he wants to see his sisters alive again, he better not try to be a hero and save them. I’ll be in touch.” He then head butted her, knocking her out cold. “KP, check to see if she has her cellphone on her.”

The guy KP found my phone in the back pocket of my jeans. He tossed it to Dutch.

“Let me send Tahir a little message,” he said, opening my phone. That was one time I wished I had put a security code on my phone but then again Dutch might’ve threatened Zoe more to gain entrance. “Rolo, check that one too for her cellphone,” Dutch ordered as he typed away on my phone.

Zoe squirmed as he ran his hand over her inappropriately. “No phone, Dutch.”

Zoe looked over at me and I slightly moved my head from side to side. As much as I wanted to beat the shit out of Dutch and his piece of shit men, I knew it wasn’t a good idea. Zoe’s gun and her cellphone was in her purse in the stockroom. I couldn’t take a chance on the fucker holding her not to shoot if I tried to fight. Zoe and I needed to remain calm if we were going to make it out of that shit. When we passed Dutch as his men dragged us out of the bookstore, I told him, “If you let us go now, you won’t have to deal with the massacre that will be heading your way.”

He laughed. “From who? Tahir’s punk ass?” He laughed a few seconds more before a villainous expression fell over his face. “The only massacre that will be happening is Tahir’s. He should’ve known this day was inevitable. When we walk outside this door, I want the two of you to act like normal or you’ll end up like the two pussies who tried stop us.”

With Lena and Melonie still laid out, Dutch and his men took us outside. A crowd had formed at the store next to mine. Trying to see what they were seeing; I was horrified to see Yiorgos’ men on the sidewalk in a puddle of blood. They must have seen Dutch, and his men approaching the bookstore and tried to stop them. I knew Yiorgos was going to lose his shit once he found out and I’m hoping that he did.

Fucking Dutch had found us. How was that possible? Tahir has only been to my parents’ house once since he returned. Dutch must’ve had people watching our family house since Tahir fell off everyone’s radar. I’m sure Dutch had been waiting for the day Tahir would resurface. It’s crazy how the shit ended with Hollis but now we had to deal with Dutch.

“Where are you taking us?” Zoe questioned, looking at the street signs we cruised pass once they had us in the car. The nameless man pulled off with Dutch and KP sitting by the back passenger doors with Zoe and I in the middle of them. We were packed in like sardines and having Dutch’s gun and body pressed up against mine made my skin crawl. Seeing the buildings we passed, I somewhat knew the direction we were doing in.