Page 23 of The Ruthless Greek

Turning to Deanna, I ask, “Do you have any rope or tape we can use to tie these assholes up until my men get here?”

“I have some in the back,” she replies.

“Go get them while I keep an eye on these two to make sure they don’t wake up and try to get away.”

Deanna goes behind the counter, then through the door that leads to the back. I take a deep calming breath, trying to figure out what in the hell did I just get myself involved in.

Seconds later, Deanna returns with the tape and rope in hand. Taking the rope from her, I ask, “Can you go lock the door and turn off your open sign while I take care of this?”

She sighs with her hand on her hip. “Is this necessary? I’ve dealt with these assholes for the past week, and nothing has come from their idle threats.”

The one she elbowed starts to stir. With my eyes still on her, I give him a kick to the head, knocking him out again.

“Deanna, I know men like that, and their threats were not fucking idle. What do you think they’re going to do to you if given another opportunity?”

She rolls her eyes. “I’ll manage it like I just did. They don’t scare me and furthermore, what do you think is going to happen when this gets back to their boss? I’m sure they’re going to tell him.”

Dropping down to one knee, I clearly state, “Not if they’re six feet under. Now, go do as I asked.”

Deanna stares momentarily before leaving me to the task at hand. I get the first one secured with his hands tied behind his back and tape across his mouth. When she returns, I’m starting to tie up the other.

She stoops down and picks up the tape. Ripping off a good length, she squats down next to me, applying it the guy’s mouth. “So, Yiorgos you want to tell me why you’re walking around with a gun on you? Are you with the police or something?”

Making sure the knot was tied tight, I reply, “I think I will answer that when you tell me why these Μαλ?κες (assholes) were in here trying to strong arm you.”

“What did you just call them?” She questions with a low smile.

Now I roll my eyes. Why was she acting like this wasn’t serious? I’ve dealt with men like these before, hell I’ve done the same thing they were doing numerous times, so I know nothing good is going to come from this. They will only keep coming and when it’s all said and done lives are going to be taken.

“I called them assholes,” I respond, standing.

Deanna giggles. “Indeed, they are.”

For some insane reason I chuckle at her humor of all of this. There are layers to this little kitten. She knows when to sit back and watch her surroundings but if you back her into a corner the claws were definitely coming out and I like it.

The sound of banging on the door has us whipping our head in that direction. I hold my hand up to Deanna to let her know to stay put while I see who it is. She nods as I redraw my pistol. Moving through the aisles, I get to a spot where I can see the door. Basil and three of my men stand on the other side, peeking in. I lower my gun as I advance to the door and unlock it. Pulling it open, he steps in with the others behind him.

“What’s going on?” Basil quickly questions, looking around.

I relock the door, then tell him what happened. His eyes widen when I get to the part about Deanna taking on the two motherfuckers by herself.

He shakes his head from side to side, holding up one hand. “Wait a minute.” He looks at me with disbelief. “So, you’re trying to tell me the beautiful woman from the Mythos put down two men by herself?”

“I’m not trying to tell you, brother. I’m telling you she did. I witnessed it with my own eyes,” I confirm. Glancing at my men I tell them, “I need one of you to drive to the back of the building.” The one closest to the door exits.

Basil raises his brow, still trying to believe what I told him. He opens his mouth to speak but is cut off by Deanna shouting from the back.

“Yiorgos, they’re starting to wake up.”

Locking the door again, I tell Basil and the others, “Follow me.”

As we clear the last aisle, Basil and the men are stunned to see Deanna hoovering over the men taunting, “Look at your asses now. You thought you could come in my store and strike fear in me? Well, who has the fear in them now?”

Elbow boy struggles the hardest, trying to break free from the ropes but that wasn’t going to happen because I made sure the knots were tied tight enough to dig into their skin.

Basil leans over to me and whispers in my ear, “If her sister is anything like her, I say we lay our claims down now.”

“Shut up,” I growl, pushing him away from me. Putting my attention on my men, I point to the back door Deanna went out of earlier, then tell them, “Take this garbage out, then to the warehouse. Don’t do anything to them before I’ve had the chance to find out who their working for.”