Page 22 of The Ruthless Greek


This has been one ofthe best weeks I had since moving to Chicago. Deanna and I have talked on the phone every day and were able to meet Wednesday at Signature for lunch. Yesterday, we met at Grant Park. I found her conversations to be very refreshing and she’ s easy to talk to. Although, several times I could tell in her tone that something was bothering her and when I asked about it, Deanna would change to subject to something else. We were in the beginning stages of getting to know each other, so I don’t want to push her about it but hopefully one day she will feel comfortable enough to tell me. Hell, I’m still waiting on her to invite me to her home.

Businesswise this week, things went well except for one minor hiccup. Some asshole had the nerve to think he could rob one of our Currency Exchange stores. The fool didn’t know that once the cashier hits the security alarm the doors automatically lock, leaving him with no way to escape. Unlike regular security systems that alert the police, ours alerts me, Basil, and my men. So, as he tried to use his body to bust the doors and window, then his gun, my men were on their way there to help him out. Needless to say, we won’t have to worry about him anymore.

I’m happy today is Friday After spending half the day scouting out new locations to open businesses to launder our money through, by two o’clock our day was finally over. I had Basil drive me back to the house, so I could get my metallic burgundy 2022 Dodge Hellcat. I love that car. It reminds me of myself; powerful and didn’t take shit from nobody. When I purchased it, I made sure it came with everything.

On the drive back to the house, Basil offered to go with me, but I declined, letting him know I wanted to pop in on Deanna in her element at the bookstore. He understood but made it clear that I was to find out everything I could about Deanna’s sister, Zoe. Basil has been crushing over her since Mythos.

Once we made it to the house, I ran inside to change clothes. While I loved to wear my suits, I wanted Deanna to see me in casual clothes today. After throwing on a pair of starched jeans, a black Polo shirt and black boots, I met Basil in the kitchen.

“Don’t forget what I told you,” He reminded.

Smirking, I threw back, “I won’t.”

I grabbed my key fob off the wall, then went into the garage with Basil behind me. Hitting the garage door opener, I walked over to my monster of a car and got in. The pipes rumbled as I started it, then pressed down on the pedal. I laughed as Basil stood in the doorway covering his ears. After typing the address on Deanna’s business card into the GPS, I gave Basil a salute goodbye, then backed out, on my way to see the lovely Deanna.

Less than thirty minutes later, I’m pulling into the neighborhood of the bookstore. Since moving here, Basil and I have learned our way around the city and GPS has been a big fucking help. Driving along the streets I can tell the people in the community took pride in the upkeep of their neighborhood. It’s an older area, but the historic buildings still looked pristine.

Making the last left turn indicated by the GPS, I’m on the block of Deanna’s store. I spot it right away because of the yellow awning hanging above the store front with The Reader’s Cave on it and the silhouette. Finding a parking spot two cars down from it, I park then get out. I set the alarm, then head towards the door.

Entering, I notice there aren’t any customers in the book aisles or sitting at the tables. I hope this wasn’t a typical day for Deanna. Glancing around, I spot her behind the counter with two gnarly looking assholes on the other side. One is Caucasian and the other looks to be Biracial. I can tell from their demeanor that they weren’t there to buy any damn books or the pastries in the case. They were probably trying to rob her. Reaching around to my back, I pull my 9mm and take the safety off.

Stealthily, I move through the aisles, then stop when I’m close enough to hear what they are saying.

“As I’ve told you before, I will not be taking your boss’ offer. Now, I’m asking you nicely to fucking leave,” Deanna tells them.

“You got a smart fucking mouth on you.” One of the assholes says. “This is the last time we will make this offer. If you don’t get on board, let’s just say with all the books in here, it would be a shame if someone accidently dropped a cigarette. Books tend to burn quickly.”

Deanna laughs. “Then I guess it’s a good thing that I don’t allow smoking in my establishment.”

“I should snatch your ass over this fucking counter since you think this is so funny,” the pale skin prick threatens.

This motherfucker just threatened to put hands on her and that is something I will not sit back and allow. Before I can get to them, Deanna comes around the counter, taunting, “Well, let me make it easier for you.”

As I round the last aisle with my gun raised to end both, I’m stunned when I see Deanna hit the first douche with a karate chop to the neck, cutting off his airway. He clutches his throat trying to suck in his next breath. The other fucker is so surprised by her action that he doesn’t have time to block the punch to his gut or the elbow to his chin that has him falling backwards to lay beside his friend. It’s then when it hits me. I couldn’t figure out the last element that attracted me to her and this was it. Deanna is just as badass as me.

“What the hell, Deanna?” I bark, catching her off guard. She immediately goes into a fight stance. When she realizes it me, she relaxes?

“Yiorgos, what are you doing here?” She asks, stepping over the men like they were a part of floor design. She sees the gun in my hand, adding, “You can put that away.”

Before answering her, I walk over to throat chop boy. Kneeling, I use the butt of my gun to knock him out.

“I came by to see you and walked in on this,” I reply, standing. “What the fuck is going on?”

She points to the men, then replies, “Oh, this? Nothing for you to worry about. Would you like a Danish or a glazed donut?”

Taken aback by her nonchalant attitude, I can only stare at her. Securing my pistol, I pull out my cell phone to call Basil.

“Γεια σας (Hello), brother. Do you have what I need?” He immediately asks.

“No, but I need you to send some men to Deanna’s bookstore,” I tell him.

“I’m in the city, do you need me to come there?” He asks with concern in his voice.

Thinking it over, I reply, “Yeah, get here as soon as possible. I’ll give you all the details when you arrive.”

“Okay, I’ll be there shortly,” he responds before we end the call.