Page 70 of The Coach

"Are you serious? You're going to deny me when I'm dying to have you inside of me?"

"Just delaying it, that's all, beautiful girl. Now close your eyes and get some sleep. You're going to need it with what I have planned for you tomorrow night."

"You're scared of my dad." I laugh.

"Fuck yeah, that dude is all kinds of scary."

I giggle again. "Okay, I'll let you get away with it then. Night, Brad. I love you."

"I love you too, beautiful." He kisses my hair, and I snuggle into him, my eyes fluttering closed, and I fall into a deep sleep.


It's first thing Monday morning and the entire Angels squad is gathered in the main building. Waiting on our general manager Hamish to show up. No one knows what's going on, but I don't like it. He very rarely comes to a training session, so something big is about to happen.

My gaze flicks to Brad, trying to read him. Does he know what's going on? He gives me a brief smile, nothing anyone else would notice, but I know it was supposed to make me feel more at ease, even though I don't. He knows what's going on, I can see that now for sure. And a small part of me thinks, thank fuck, at least it's not that someone has turned us in or something like that.

After Saturday night, I feel so much better about things between us. Telling my parents what's going on was the right choice, and to my surprise, my dad and Brad sat down together and worked out a plan to keep me safe until we work out who is doing all of this. I'm pretty sure he gave Brad the "hurt my daughter and I will kill you" speech, but all in all, he seemed to be on board with us dating. The hard part now is we have to return to our normal lives, pretending we're not together, and after the weekend we had and knowing how he really feels about me, it's even more difficult.

Hamish arrives and the attention of the room shifts to him. "Angels, I wanted to talk with you all today because we have some very important and exciting news that I would like to share. As of the start of next season, Brad will be taking the head coach with our men's team, and Ava will be stepping into the head coaching role for the Angels. So as of today, Ava will be taking more of a coaching role, assisted by Brad."

My eyes focus on him. He's leaving us? Something like this, he must have known for a while, how could he not have? I'm sure he would have been sworn to secrecy because the club wouldn't have wanted the information leaked too early, but he could have trusted me. I feel a little blindsided.

The other girls on my team look around at each other, trying to process what we've just been told. Darcy and Luna both look to me, and I know what they're thinking. This is my fault. He's taken this job because of me. This must have been the solution he was talking about, the plan he had so we could be together. I feel so guilty. I look at Brad and his expression is hard to read, but he isn't giving me any eye contact either. He's purposely avoiding me.

Hamish finishes up talking then dismisses everyone. Just as I'm about to leave, he calls my name. I walk over to him tentatively, feeling very unsure of what is going on.

"Andrea and Brad, I need to see you both in my office briefly before you start training for the day," he says before taking off in the direction of his office.

My gaze flicks to Brad, my heart pumping. Fuck, Hamish knows for sure. Brad's eyes are just as wide, so this is news to him. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I don't even know what to think right now. Someone has turned us in and we're both in deep shit.

We both follow Hamish to his office, and I tentatively take a seat. I feel like a naughty kid at school in the principal's office, waiting to hear the words I know are coming.

His face is stern as he eyes us both. "There has been a complaint about the two of you. This morning an anonymous person came forward and said you're in some sort of romantic relationship. I really hope this is just a slanderous rumor, but I wanted to come to you both first. Is there something I need to be worried about getting out to the media?"

Brad stays silent, and I rack my brain for what to say. I know there are photos of us, there is proof, so if we lie now and they surface, we're even more screwed.

"Yes, we have," says Brad before I have a chance to make my mind up as to what to tell Hamish.

Fuck, he said it. Now what?

I can see Hamish's face turning bright red. This is bad, really fucking bad. He is angry. His whole job is to make sure the club looks good to our investors, and this looks really bad. "You've been sleeping together all year?"

"What Brad is saying is yes, we have, in the past. It was just one night before I knew he was going to be the new coach, and he had no idea who I was because I lied to him about my identity. As soon as we worked it all out, he has been nothing more than my coach. None of this is his fault either, I came on to him that night," I lie to save his ass.

He glares at Brad. "Is this true, Brad?"

"Yes, what she is saying is true."

He looks us over as he rubs his chin, and I'm sure he's deciding exactly what to do with this information. He is about to speak when Brad interrupts him.

"It's true, but also, there is something else I think you need to be aware of."

"Go on?"

"I wanted the job with the men's team because I have feelings for Andrea, and I know I couldn't continue on as her coach. If I stay here next season, I intend to date her, and if that's not going to work then I need to know now so I can resign."

Hamish actually looks shocked. I'm shocked. "You're telling me you would give up your dream job to coach the LA men's team to be with Andrea?"