"No, that's not what he's saying," I interrupt, surprised by what he has just said. What is he doing? He's about to fuck it all up over me, I'm not worth it.
"Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying." Brad gives me a stern look. He is serious about this. Ready to lose his job for me.
"Brad, can you wait outside? I need to speak to Andrea alone."
"Okay," he says, getting up to leave and closing the door behind him.
"Andrea, I know you're trying to protect your coach because you don't want to come off like the one who's doing the wrong thing, but you're not going to get in trouble here. You haven't done anything wrong. Brad is your coach and in a position of power over you, this all falls on him. If he did anything to hurt you or make you feel pressured in any way, you can tell me. I'll have it all dealt with discreetly. This is a safe space, feel free to tell me anything."
Oh God, could this get any worse? I want to sink down in my chair and hide, but I don't. I sit up tall and do my best to convince him I'm not some victim, not at all. God, if anything, this is all my fault. "Brad hasn't done anything wrong, I'm not trying to protect him by saying that. I was the one who came on to him, and I had no idea he would end up as my coach. This is all just a messed-up coincidence."
"And you agree with him changing to the men's team next year?"
"I had no idea that was even happening until today," I say honestly.
He looks surprised but nods his head. "Okay, you can tell Brad to come back in now. You better get to practice. Andrea, if you ever need to see me about anything, my door is always open. Okay?"
"Thank you."
"You can go." What? Fuck, I don't want to go now, I want to know what is going to happen to Brad. But I decide today isn't the day to piss Hamish off even more, so I slip from my seat and make my way out into the hall.
Brad is leaning up against the wall. He looks cool and calm, unaffected by the entire situation. "He wants to see you again," I say. He nods and makes his way back inside his office, closing the door without another word to me.
I wait just outside the door. I can't hear a thing they're talking about, but I can't bring myself to leave either. Why did he have to say all of that? If it gets out, he is screwed, and so am I by default. There are already haters on my team who would gladly see me branded as a slut who sleeps with her coach.
I pull my hair out of the high ponytail it was in and run my hands through my long hair. I have a stress headache starting again. I try to massage my scalp, telling myself everything is going to be fine. But the truth is, this is what you get when you can't control your urges. It's all my own fault, and if it gets out, I will just have to own it like every other time I have fucked up in my life.
I flick my hair back up into a high ponytail and lean against the wall. Just when we start to think we have this situation under control, something else happens. No need to guess who told Hamish about Brad and me. My stalker must have seen me with him yesterday. He knows we're back on and has followed through on his threat to out us. Everything here is about to explode, I can feel it. God, what are they talking about for so long? I should go, get to practice like Hamish said, but I can't move without knowing. Just when I'm about to give up, Brad walks from the office. He gives me a look that I can't read then closes the door behind him. Taking me by the arm, he sweeps me around the corner.
"Oh my God, what happened? Why did you say that?" I whisper.
"Whoever told him might be the one with photos of us. Do you really want to risk that? Better to come clean now than lie and get found out later."
"You didn't have to tell him you have feelings for me," I say, frustrated.
"Yes, I did, because I do, and I'm not lying about it anymore. It's causing too many problems."
"What did he say? Do you still have your job?" I ask, panicked.
"Kind of. I won't be coaching you girls again this year. That's why he made the announcement today, about me taking over the men's team. I was surprised myself, because originally, he wanted to wait until we made the semis, but I think after the anonymous tip-off this morning, he's trying to protect the club and distance me from the team before anything gets out. Ava will take over immediately, and they'll bring in someone to help her. Hamish thinks it's for the best. But I will be back next year to take over the men's team. That is as long as the media doesn't get wind of it. If they do, he may not be able to protect me."
"What about the rest of our season? Our team needs you." I'm almost crying I'm so frustrated at this situation with him. He can't leave us now.
"I'll be around, but Ava will lead you through the last few games. Andy, look at the positives here. This means we don't have to be held hostage by your stalker's threats. This is all for the best. Come on, we need to get you back to practice. And I need to talk to Ava."
"She probably did all of this just so she could get your job. She's wanted it all along," I say under my breath. Ava has never liked me very much, and she has a major crush on Brad. She would be the one who stands to gain the most from all of this. It all makes sense now. I bet that's true. "Actually, I bet thisisher doing. She was pissed she didn't get the job in the first place, this makes sense," I say louder, looking at Brad, waiting for his reaction. He thinks on it, then shakes his head.
"I don't think so, Andy. She was the one who recommended me for the job. She has been nothing but supportive."
I narrow my eyes at him. I don't know if I'm quite as convinced as he is. I know they're friends and all, but I don't trust her. "Well, someone did this," I huff, deciding to keep how I really feel about her to myself. She has just become my new coach.
"Yes, they did. I'm about to deal with it."
He's going to deal with it? I look at him, trying to work out where he's going with this. Something clicks and I see what he's thinking. "You think it's your ex-wife, don't you? And she set up the photo of you and her together as well so that I might dump you and she could get you back?"
"I know nothing for sure, but I'm going to see what she knows. It would be just like her to pull a stunt like this and turn us in because she didn't get her own way. I don't know that she's the one sending us messages and threats, but I could see her calling the club and letting them know about our relationship."
It better not be her. I already hate that bitch for what she did to Brad and thinking she is better than me. If he finds out this is all her, I'm going to lose my fucking shit.