When I walked into my apartment, I was 17 minutes late for my show. I kicked off my clothes while running into my room, grabbed the first piece of lingerie off the rack in my closet, and said a prayer of thanks that it was something simple. Once my wig was in place, I turned on the digital filter for my camera and started the feed. There were already a lot of guys waiting in the lobby, and the chat was full of unhappy comments.

“I’m so sorry I’m late,” I told them, smiling apologetically. Which was pointless since they couldn’t see my face. “I ran into a problem on my way home. But IpromiseI will make it worth the wait.”

I woke up the next morning feeling great about the previous night. But as I took an Uber downtown, I began to second-guess everything. Would it be awkward in the office? How could itnotbe after my two coworkers had Eiffel-Towered me last night?

But when I saw Michael in the hall on the way into the office, he smiled and said, “Morning, Ginny,” as if everything was normal. When I passed August’s office on the way to mine, he glanced up and smiled—but it was a private little smile nobody would read into. An hour later, we had a staff meeting with everyone in the office to talk about the new insurance package the Foundation was offering. Michael sat next to me, and August was on the other end of the table.

And it was totally, completely,normal.

In a way, that made it even hotter than it already was. The three of us had a little secret. We could fuck like degenerates one night, then work together the next morning like nothing had happened. It made me feel even sexier than I did before.

But I did feel guilty about one aspect of last night.


I brought my lunch to the empty conference room to eat, since it had a nice view of downtown Fort Perth sprawled out below us. Michael appeared in the doorway a few minutes later with his own food. “Mind if I join you?”

“Plenty of room,” I said casually.

He sat next to me, facing the windows. “Good info about the insurance plan,” he said while opening his lunch.

“It confuses me,” I said. “The old plan had an FSA, but the new one has an HSA. What’s the difference between the two?”

“One is a Flex Spending Account, and the other is a Health Savings Account,” he explained.

I made a face at him. “Well, I knowthat. But what does it mean?”

He speared a piece of chicken with his fork. “The HSA is better. Contributions are pre-tax, which means it lowers your tax burden at the end of the year. That’s probably all you need to know.”

I snorted. “I doubt I make enough money for that to make a difference, but I’m glad it’s an option.” As soon as I said that, I realized something. I’d had a lot of new income this year from my OnlyFans gig. My taxes were going to be a lot higher than they had ever been before.

That’s a good problem to have.

Michael lowered his voice and said, “I had a lot of fun last night.”

I tried to suppress a smile, and failed. “Me too. Alotof fun.”

“I definitely want to do it again sometime.”

“Me too, times ten.”

He blinked. “You want to do it withtwentyguys at the same time?”

I almost spit out the salad I was chewing. I glanced over my shoulder to make sure nobody was in the hall, then said, “No! I meant my enthusiasm for doing it again is ten times yours.”

He chuckled to himself. “I know. Just teasing. How would it work with that many guys?”

“I don’t even know!”

“You’d probably get sore.”

“No kidding. I’m already sore just from you last night.”

“Sorry about that,” he said.

I reached over and touched his hand. “Don’t you dare apologize for last night. You did everything right. I’m sore in a good way.”

“Is there room for three?” August asked loudly while striding into the conference room. He grinned widely at his joke.