“Dude, don’t say stuff like that,” Michael hissed at him.

August sat on the other side of the table and propped his feet up. “Lighten up. Nobody knows. But they’ll figure it out if you keep scolding me about it loudly. Oh, by the way. I brought your car back.”

I stared at him. “How did you do that?”

“Because you left your keys at my place.” He slid them across the table at me. “What happened? Did you take an Uber home?”

“I was a little too buzzed to drive,” I replied.

August turned to Michael. “She’s hot,andsmart. I’m glad we hired her instead of that Bill guy. Plus, he probably can’t deepthroat.” He winked at me again.

I laughed, then put down my fork. “I’m actually glad you’re both here.”

August leaned toward me. “Because you want to do it here on the conference table? I like the way you think. I’ll close the blinds.”

He started to stand up, but I laughed and motioned for him to sit down. “Very funny. But it’s actually about last night.”

“The condom broke,” August guessed. “You’re pregnant. And it could be either of ours. My little swimmers survived your stomach and somehow managed to find an egg. Shit, I’m too independent to be a father.”

“I’m starting to wonder if that expensive private school you went to wasn’t as good as you think,” Michael joked.

I glared at him and shook my head. “Be serious for a moment.”

“It would be easier to get pregnant from swallowed sperm than to make August be serious for longer than ten seconds.”

“I loved last night,” I said before they could keep riffing on each other. “But I’m not looking for a relationship. I’m just having fun. We’re not exclusive or anything.”

“It feels weird that you need to say that after sleeping withtwomen last night,” August whispered.

“I know. I just want to make sure we all understand each other.”

“Yeah, of course,” Michael said. His face was unreadable. “I understand.”

“What I understand is that you’ve got a boyfriend on the side,” August replied.

“What?” I flinched. “No, it’s not that.”

“Don’t be a dick,” Michael warned him.

August spread his hands. “I’m just saying. It seems like you have a full-blown boyfriend. The way you ran off last night…”

“I promise I don’t have a boyfriend,” I reassured him.

“Good. I don’t have a boyfriend either,” August said. “And Mikey is still getting over his ex, Erin. He could use some meaningless sex.”

“I’ve gotten over Erin already,” Michael protested.

“Yeah, whatever, sure you have,” August said. “Now that we all understand each other, how about we get together and watch another bad movie tonight?” He lowered his voice to a comical whisper. “In this case,bad movieis a euphemism forhot group sex.”

I giggled at the joke, and wanted to say yes to him. Because Ireallywanted to do that again as soon as possible.

Instead, I grimaced. “I can’t tonight. I have plans.”

August leaned back and murmured out of the side of his mouth: “Plans with a boyfriend, sounds like.”

“Every Friday, I have a family dinner with my parents,” I explained. “It’s a Friday tradition. I skipped one dinner two weeks ago and my mom isstillgiving me a hard time about it.”

“What about this weekend?” August asked. “I’ve got a thing Saturday afternoon, but I’m free aside from that.”