“Both of your dicks are perfect,” I said. “So, youdidexpect this to happen tonight?”

Michael hesitated. “Maybe. Why do you say that?”

“Because of the huge roll of Magnums August had ready to go.”

“What?” August asked innocently. “You don’t walk around with a pack of jumbo condoms in your pocket all the time?”

“There is one thing we need to confess,” Michael said slowly.

I tensed. “What?”

“We…” he hesitated, then let the rest out with a sigh. “We already watched the rest ofMac and Me. On Monday.”

I looked back and forth between both of them. “Let me get this straight. You rewatched the same horrible movie all over again? Just to maybe hook up with me?”

“Halfof a bad movie,” August clarified. “And honestly, it really shines through on the second viewing.”

Michael was sitting very still. “Does that weird you out?”

I let out a laugh. “No, of course not. I had actually kind of hoped this might happen.”

“I figured,” Michael replied with relief. “That’s why you’re waxed, right?”

I’m waxed because I have a show to do. “Yeah, exactly. I wanted to make sure I—” I cut off with a jerk.

My show.

I glanced at the clock. I’m supposed to start my Thursday live show in ten minutes!

“What’s wrong?” Michael asked.

I leaped up from the couch and searched for my clothes. “I have to go.”

Michael stood up in surprise. “You’re leaving?”

“Shit, Mikey. You were so bad she’s running for the hills.”

I got my clothes on and gave him a quick kiss. “It’sdefinitelynot that.”

He grinned against my lips. “I didn’t think so.”

I turned toward August, who was standing up and awkwardly trying to cover his junk with a hand. To banish his discomfort, I molded my body against his and gave him a longer, more sensual kiss. “Thanks for the fun movie night.”

August smirked. “Thanks for letting me come down your throat.”

Michael looked mortified that he had said that to me, but I only giggled. I loved their different personalities, especially now that I wasreallygetting to know them.

“Next time,” I tapped August on the chest, “you’re going to do a lot more than just come down my throat.”

Both of them perked up. “Next time?” August asked.

“There had better be a next time!” I said. “Unless once was enough for both of you…”

They quickly swung their heads in disagreement.

I hated leaving them so quickly, so I gave them both another hurried kiss, petted Bernie on the way out, then took the elevator down to the first floor. I was still buzzed from all the wine, I realized. Even though I was in a hurry, I called an Uber and waited ten minutes for it to arrive.

Remember, kids: don’t drink and drive after having a threesome with your two coworkers.