And that particular fey was going to be his. After getting through the full moon tonight he’d never let her out of his sight again.
Destroy the amulet, split halfway across the world. Can’t force Sophia to lie with my beast tonight.
However, by the next full moon, Antonio planned on taking her as a wolf should take his mate while the moon was full - continuously and with no obstacles stifling his innate needs. He’d just have to make sure she was no longer a virgin by the next full moon. An easy enough problem to solve.
“Antonio!” He stopped his pacing and looked in her direction, his heart speeding up at the sound of her voice.
She flaunted the brightest smile he had ever seen, running to him with more enthusiasm than any other had before. Even her eyes glimmered with undeniable bliss.
“Fia,”he rasped, desperate for her to reach him, wanting nothing more than to hold her in his arms.
The moment her body rammed against his he flung his arms out, curling them around her so tightly she would have no choice but to accept his embrace, which she did so eagerly.
“You were amazing out there.” Nothing about what he said was a lie. “But I can’t separate from you again, do you understand that?” How could he ever part from this fey afterwhat he just witnessed? Sure, she had fought incredibly, but he had never felt so much fear in his life.
Like hell he could watch her compete again. Which meant hehadto destroy that amulet today.
“You think?”
“Think? Hell, Iknow. Everyone does.”
When he tightened his hold on her, pulling her body closer to his, he had to stifle a groan.
Fuck. Her body felt so good. He needed her.Badly.
Blood flowed between Antonio’s legs, pumping into his cock. He refused to loosen his hold on her, knowing there was no hiding his growing erection from the world if he did.
Dammit,he was losing his mind, his need to claim her surpassing any need he might’ve had to have another in the past. He supposed it made sense, considering how rare it was for a werewolf to wait such a long period of time before claiming his mate. Gods, it was maddening.
He began imagining slipping the tip of his shaft between her drenched folds before plunging the rest of his length deep into her slick, virgin flesh…
“Ah, fuck,”he grated. Hehadto be losing his mind. Couldn’t this fey see how much he needed her? She had to know how badly he wanted her, his dick was throbbing, pulsing against her stomach.
“What’s wrong?” Sophia asked, backing up to get a better look at him.
Wrong move, fey, Antonio thought. Creating more distance between the two of them was the last thing he wanted. He needed her body to remain tightly pressed against his own.
Steadfast in his decision, he curled a hand around the back of her head and forced it against his chest. She didn’t fight him.That’s my good fey,he thought, his cock jerking once more.
“Need you,” he rasped against her hair.
He then cupped her ass, forcing her closer to him, pressing her core tight against his erection.
Unable to control his viral reflexes, his hips surged forward, his swollen cock grinding against her. A heated moan escaped her lips, her voice muffled by his shirt.
His lips curved into a grin. Hearing her need for him and knowing their desire for one another was mutual nearly sent him over the edge.
He wasn’t the only one needing.
Gripping her braids, he pulled her head back, forcing her to look up at him. “Need to kiss you.Now.”
Her eyes widened. “Here? In front of everyone?”
He saw right past her feigned shyness. There was no hiding the wanting look in her eyes. “Yes - here. And quit pretending you don’t want it.” It must be too close to the full moon. He was already losing it.
Before she could utter another word he crushed his lips against hers.
Be glad it’s only a kiss, Antonio thought.