Chris C.: I can relate to that. So, let’s play the getting to know you game

Viviana R.: What does this entail? You’re not gonna send a dic$ pic are you?

Chris C.: HAHAHAHAHAH OMG no. Does that actually happen????

Viviana R.: Uh, yes. It definitely does. And admittedly, I am a fan of dic$, I am not a fan of receiving those pictures, I don’t think any woman is LOL

Chris C.: I’m dying right now

Chris C.: I promise not to send an unsolicited dic$ pic, deal?

Viviana R.: LOL thank you. What’s the getting to know you game YOU had in mind?

Chris C.: Well, I was GOING to ask you if you like coffee to start, but now I’m sort of speechless haha

Viviana R.: I love coffee. You?

Chris C.: Can’t go a day without it, and I’m not even that picky about it. Gas station coffee, Starbucks, Dunkin’, whatever is nearby.

Viviana R.: The only coffee I don’t like is the hospital coffee haha

Chris C.: Oh god, what do you do when you need some?

Viviana R.: We hope someone brings some, or we send someone out haha. Sometimes we order coffee delivery LOL

Chris C.: Are you working all day?

Viviana R.: I am. Til around 6p tonight or so. I’m doing a 12 today.

Chris C.: Can I bring you coffee this afternoon?

Viviana got nervous. He wanted to meet. Like today. She thought quickly about how she looked, was her hair cooperating? Glancing down at herself, she decided fuck it. This is what I look like.

Viviana R.: Are you serious?

Chris C.: I am. I’m on the east side today. You’re on the east side. Let me bring you some liquid refreshment this afternoon. In public. No weirdness, I promise. But let’s switch to text, I don’t want you to put where you work on the app. I’m paranoid like that. Here’s my number: 915-555-5555. Text me how you like your coffee, and your favorite place.

Viviana R.: Okay . . .

Viviana closed the app chat, and opened her text message app and sent him a regular text.

Viviana: Hey, it’s Viv.

Chris: Do I get to call you Viv now? I like it.

Viviana blushed, but she needed to get back to work. She texted Chris her work address and told him she would meet him outside in front of the hospital and she could take a short break to have coffee and chat when he arrived that afternoon. The butterflies in her stomach were putting on an aerial performance to rival Cirque de Soliel, and she thought she might have to go throw up from either excitement or nerves; she wasn’t sure which.



Did I just set up a date?

Chris chuckled to himself and adjusted his sunglasses as he stared down the highway he was patrolling. There had been a lot of activity along the border in the last several months, and unfortunately a lot of migrants had been killed or injured trying to cross the highway on foot as they entered the United States using the fence instead of the official border crossings.

Chris didn’t have a lot of political skin in the game, he knew most of these people were truly coming to the states for a better life, but wished they’d come through the regular gates. He’d much prefer tracking drug smugglers in the desert and fighting real crimes under his purview instead of patrolling a highway. But it was what it was, and the political climate was constantly changing, as were his directives. He did what he was told.

In the meantime, he texted a bit more with Viv, and checked his watch approximately eight hundred times to see when he could go meet up with her. He also texted his brothers in their group chat for clarification on what constituted a date. He no longer cared about the bet in the least, but he knew they’d be on his ass soon, and if he could use this meetup as his debt repayment and then tell them to happily fuck off, he’d be relieved.