Jake: You have to actually go out with her.

Chris: Does meeting up for coffee count? I think it does.

Evan: Wait. You’re having coffee with someone? Is it a friend?

Chris: She’s not a friend. I met her on the stupid app you made me join.

Jake: Tell us about her

Chris: You can fuck off Jake

Chris: You’re seriously a girl

Evan: LOL

Evan: If she agrees to see you again after coffee, you can consider this a date but seriously, who is she? This took way less time than I expected haha

Jake: Yeah, how did your awkward ass get a girl to have coffee with you already

Chris: She’s a nurse

Evan: Does she know what you do?

Chris: Yeah, I was sort of vague, but she knows I’m CBP and knows I’m babysitting the highway and everyone knows what that means

Jake: Well at least she doesn’t hate cops lol

Evan: Nurses don’t hate cops. Probably one of the few that understand weird schedules.

Jake: Good point

Evan: Anyway, tell us more

Chris: Hard pass, but thanks

Chris: We’ve established this counts as a date though, yes? Debt cleared?

Evan: Yeah, but she has to agree to go out with you for real

Jake: I’d prefer to meet her and embarrass Chris simultaneously

Evan: LOL same, but rules are rules – can’t add new ones

Chris: I hate you both with every bone in my body

Jake: LOL be careful out there

Evan: Yeah stay safe

Chris: Will do. Fuck off now.

All three brothers sent the middle finger emoji to the group chat and Chris put his phone in his pocket. It was almost time to go get coffee and meet up with the gorgeous nurse he couldn’t stop thinking about. It hadn’t even been twenty-four hours since they made first contact, but he couldn’t keep himself from admitting her casual attitude, beautiful smile, good job, and love of coffee were enough for him to want to spend time with her.

Chris pulled up to the hospital in his “company vehicle” with coffees. Viviana had let him know where to meet her because the hospital had multiple entrances and she didn’t want him to get lost.

She’s thoughtful. Check. Beautiful. Check. Smart. Check. Let’s see what else . . .

He parked and walked toward the entrance with coffees in hand. Spotting her right away, he also noticed another woman with her wearing incredibly loud red scrubs and what looked like hearts all over them. Wow.