Page 20 of Last Chance Plans

Rick decided to linger in the plane until all first-class passengers had left. When he saw the flight attendants collect their carry-on and disembark, he followed them along the jetway to the gate.

“Rick, you’re still here?” Madison said when she saw him approaching.

He nodded. “Do they have special arrangements for the crew to get to the hotel?”

“We all take the hotel limousine. If you’re staying at the Intercontinental, you should come with us.”

Reassured that she wasn’t embarrassed by his proximity in front of her colleagues, he strode next to her, crossed passport control, and exited to the street. The pilots led them straight to the hotel bus.

Half an hour later, after they’d checked in, Rick stepped to her side. “I’m in room 910.”

“I’m in 804. I’m going to sleep now. Do you know how to reach your client?”

“The client will send a car to pick me up shortly. Text me when you awake. Can we spend the evening together?”

“Of course. I’ll organize something.”

“Great. See you later.”

She joined the other crew members, and he strolled toward the elevator, a satisfied smile on his lips. She hadn’t played coy and hard to get, or tried to overwhelm him with demands and expectations. She seemed comfortable in her skin, and he liked her easy-going attitude.

Maybe she’d been right last night when she’d commentedthatshe could be a good match for a playboy like him. Despite the numerous women who’d walked by his side, he’d never considered himself a playboy, more like a lonely soul, but he agreed that Madison was a good match for him.


Rick returned from his meeting exhausted but pleased. Now, he could allow himself a well-deserved nap.

At four o’clock, his phone’s blip woke him with a text from Madison.

Awake and ready for a fun evening. How about you?

You bet he was ready. Always ready for a fun evening with his favorite flight attendant. He responded right away.

I’m in my room. Can we meet in the lobby in fifteen minutes? Take a tour and have dinner?

Sure. Planning on it.

No doubt about it, Madison knew how to guess his wishes. Would she be able to fulfill all of his desires? One step at a time, he scolded himself. What’s the rush?

He donned the suit he’d worn during his business meeting, minus the tie, leaving his shirt’s top button undone. Eager to start his fun evening, he combed his hair, tucked his phone and wallet into his pockets, and left the room. Too impatient to walk to the elevator and wait forever, he opened the emergency exit door next to his room and went down the stairs two at a time until he reached the lobby. Standing next to a column, he waited for her.

She stepped out of the elevator, a vision in a short, black, sheath dress molding her perfect figure, a small clutch purse in hand. His gaze went from her sleek legs, elongated by high-heeled, black sandals, to her hair piled atop her head. He smiled, admiring her naked shoulders, and clenched his fist to avoid moving the golden-brown tendrils curling on her neck andkissing the soft skin beneath it.

Patience, man. All in good time.

He sauntered over, took her hand, and kissed her cheek. “You look rested and lovely.”

“Thank you.” She smiled. “May I return the compliment? I’ve never seen you so relaxed and ... and pleased.”

He laughed. “I have good reason to be.” He grabbed her hand, heading to the door. “Today was a great day.”

“A productive meeting, I assume?”

“Excellent. I fixed the client’s problems and managed to convince the CEO and CFO to extend the contract for another three years.”

“High five.” She chuckled and clapped her free hand against his.

“And now I’m taking my gorgeous date out for a fun evening.”