Page 21 of Last Chance Plans

She burst out laughing. “I don’t know about being your gorgeous date, but I’m determined to have fun.”

He glanced at her. “Me too, babe. I’ll follow your lead.”

They stepped out onto the sidewalk. Madison asked the bellboy to call a cab. They climbed in. Feasting on the delightful sight of her legs and thighs exposed by the short hem of her skirt hiking up, Rick let her handle their outing.

“Hello. Can you please give us a tour of the city and point out the places of interest?” she asked the driver. “Then you can take us toMangano’s.” She turned to him. “We’ll tour the city first and then dine at a tango restaurant in the old city.”

He reached for her hand and squeezed it. “Sounds like great planning. Isn’t it your first time here?”

She spun her head and smiled. “It is, but I familiarized myself with the places of interest.”

He decided to keep her hand in his. From time to time, he caressed her palm with the pad of his thumb as he glanced out ofthe window and listened to their driver, Mario, who took them to the famous Plaza de Mayo.

“Tomorrow, you should walk in the square and take pictures,” Mario said as he waved at the May Pyramid, their oldest national monument.

“We will,” Madison promised.

Next, Mario drove along the Rio de la Plata waterfront at Puerto Madero, explaining that all streets in the district were named after women. They passed in front of theMuseo Nacional de Belles Artesand theTeatro Colon. As he continued along9 de Julio Avenue, he pointed at the obelisk that was built to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the founding of the city, and he insisted they should have lunch or dinner at the famousCafé Tortoni.

“Tonight we’re just getting an overview. Tomorrow we’ll walk and visit all these places and more,” Madison declared.

Rick smiled at her enthusiasm, determined to spice up their visit with his own brand of excitement.

Around seven, just after sunset, Mario dropped them at the tango restaurant. “I’ll be back for you at 10:00 p.m. You have time for dinner, the show, and a tango lesson.”

Apparently, the dancers taught the patrons a few steps after their show.

Inside the restaurant, where long tables faced a stage, they were seated next to each other with other patrons. After sampling various bits of meat from a tray a waitress passed around, they ordered the local steak and a bottle of wine. They toasted, chatted, laughed with the other guests at their table, and enjoyed their meal.

The music started, and the lights dimmed. Bright spotlights focused on the stage where a couple glided in, the man in a black, silk shirt and satin pants, the woman wearing a sexy, short, tight, sparkling dress that molded to her figure.

The loud tempo of the music focused their attention as the man splayed a hand on the woman’s back and held her other hand in a tight grip.

The dance started with sharp, staccato movements, the male dancer bringing his partner against him, pulling her in with a passionate attitude. The music’s frenzy escalated, prompting more sensual steps in the dance while the dancers maintained their sober expressions.

Lips parted, Madison seemed totally mesmerized by the dance. Rick wrapped an arm around her waist, slowly pulling her back against his chest, needing to share the dramatic dance with her. She melted against him, her fingers clenched on his arm.

The dance ended, replaced by another with a new couple in different colored costumes. To Rick’s ears, the music wasn’t much different, and the steps seemed similar, but something about the sensual tension of these new dancers heightened the attention of the viewers. He tightened his hold on Madison and glanced around, surveying the room.

Several couples were kissing. That was all the permission he needed. He brushed his lips along his companion’s warm neck. She tilted her head, offering more room for his hungry mouth. Both arms enclosing her against him, he spent the next two dances lavishing her neck, shoulders, and naked back with wet, burning kisses.

The show ended too soon, and the room burst into applause. Releasing her, Rick straightened. The dancers bowed and stepped off the stage to invite them to dance.

Madison spun toward him. “We can’t refuse. They’ll be offended.”

“I know. Let’s learn something new.” He gallantly accepted the female dancer’s hand and stepped up onto the stage while Madison followed with a male dancer.

“Yo soy Ofelia.”

“Hello, Ofelia. My name is Rick.”

The music started again. Listening to his companion’s instructions, he concentrated on his steps, memorizing them.

“La mujer es tu novia?” His dancer jerked her chin toward Madison.

“Huh … Yes, she’s my girlfriend. Why?”

“Aquí, un paso especial por tu amor.”