Page 21 of Evan

Deciding she might as well get it over with, she opened the bedroom door and ran right into him. “Sorry,” she muttered.

Evan’s hands had caught her and were holding her shoulders. She was inches from his face and her gaze now eye level with his lips, something she shouldn’t have noticed. Something she couldn’t avoid noticing.

“Are you good?” Evan asked. He dropped his hands and gestured for her to precede him down the hall. “You didn’t have to change. If I’d have known you were in a robe, I wouldn’t have bothered to get dressed either.”

Kayla gave a half laugh. “If you had decided to let me know you were coming over with a little notice, I would have been dressed before you got here.” Honestly, he was here a little too fast, with food. “How did you get the food that fast anyway? Rob someone?”

“Nope, I ordered it before I called you,” he said as though that was totally normal and handed her a plate.

“What? What if I wasn’t home? Or didn’t want company?” Just assuming that she was going to be here was a little disappointing. What did that say about her life, or lack thereof?

Evan winked. The man actually winked.

“Come on, we can eat in the living room. I want to talk to you.”

She followed him with her plate. “What the hell? Are you dying or something?”

“Shut up. I wouldn’t be telling you like this if I was. I don’t know if I’d tell anyone to be honest. Maybe just let it happen so no one has to wait for it.” He shrugged.

Something was up with him, and she didn’t know what the hell it was.

“First, this is too much food.” She held up the overflowing plate of a giant burger and entirely too many fries. “And second, if you find out that you’re dying and don’t tell me, I will bring you back to life and kill you again myself.”

Evan’s shoulders shook as he laughed around his burger. “You’d bring me back to life and kill me? Do you have the ability to do that, because I can think of better uses for bringing people back from the dead.”

“Shut up.”

“And this is far from too much food. It’s the right amount for burger and fries.”

She looked down at her grease-soaked food and grimaced. Then her stomach betrayed her and growled. The French toast was the only thing she’d eaten today.

“See? Admit it. You like this stuff, you’re just so caught up on your rabbit food you don’t let yourself enjoy anything.”

“I enjoy plenty. My life just doesn’t revolve around food.”

“It doesn’t have to revolve around it to enjoy it.”

“I enjoy my food.” Most of the time. “I appreciate this more when I don’t eat it all the time. It makes it that much better. I’m still not going to eat it all.”

He raised a brow at her. “Whatever you don’t eat, I will.”

He probably would too. Who knew where he put it. The man had the best metabolism.

They ate and watched TV until she needed a break. She’d eaten more of her food than she thought she would, and it was a lot of food.

“What did you want to talk about?” she asked, wiping her mouth with a napkin.

Evan set his plate down and turned to her. “I talked to the next girl I’m supposed to date today.”

Well, that was not at all what she was expecting. “Oh?” She winced internally—that was the best she could do?

“Yeah. We talked all day, and I think it went really well.”

“And?” She needed him to get to the point so they could talk about anything else at all.

“And I need to know what to do.” Evan stood and paced the space between the couch and TV. “I don’t want this date to go like the last one, so what do I do?”

“Evan, sit down. You’re making me nervous. What makes you think this date would go like the others?” she asked. “There’s been two dates and they weren’t good matches. Honestly, if I didn’t know better, I would assume that they were the same person.” She tried for casual and added a shrug at the end for effect. “This woman is talking to you, so that’s already a difference there. And you talked for a while, you said, so it’s got to be a good sign.”