Page 20 of Evan

K: That sounds great to me.

E: I have to work so it won’t be consistent, just fair warning.

K: Understood.

Her work wasn’t as demanding on her time as far as not being able to text unless there was something big going on, which was rare.

E: Have a good night.

K: You too.

Tossing back the blanket and standing up from the couch, she stretched before walking to the window. The rain hadn’t let up today at all, but she felt better than she had when she first started talking to E on the app.

Things had gone surprisingly well. She did wonder who he was going to visit today. Probably Cade, she decided. No real reason, just her best guess.

Her phone rang, and she walked back to the couch, searching for where it had went when she moved the blanket. Finding it quickly, she saw Evan calling. Only a moment’s indecision stopped her before she finally answered.

“Hey, Evan.” She forced too much cheer into her voice and then shook her head at herself.

“You good? You sound, weird,” Evan teased.

“Weird how?” Kayla did her best to sound normal.

“I don’t know. Anyway, what are you doing?”

Oh no, why was he asking that? “Not much, just laying around.”

“I want to talk to you about the next date. I’ll bring dinner.”

Please no. “I don’t know, Evan. You constantly try to get me to give you more information, and it’s a little exhausting.” At least that was true.

“I’m sorry. I don’t have any questions about that. I talked to her all day, and I want your opinion on some things. I’ll be by soon, with dinner.”

He ended the call before she could protest again. Sounds like this was happening whether she wanted it to or not. Shit.



Kayla had barely processed Evan’s phone call. She was still sitting, dumbfounded, looking at it when there was knocking on the door. She was his friend he needed to go see? No way. There was just no way. He had a tight group of friends already—she surely didn’t rank above them. What did it mean if she did?

Pushing that thought away, she opened the door to a grinning Evan holding up takeout bags.

“Let me in, I brought carbs.” He slid past her and into the kitchen. “Carbs don’t count when they’re gifts.”

She rolled her eyes and tightened her robe that she forgot she was wearing. “I’ll be right back, let me…umm…get dressed.” Gesturing to herself, she bolted.

“You don’t have to change, this is your apartment,” Evan called after her.

Safe inside her bedroom, she leaned against the door and let out a sigh. She looked a mess and could guarantee it without looking in the mirror, yet she’d opened the door. There had been almost ten minutes for her to put herself together and instead she’d sat on the couch like an idiot staring at her phone.

Oh no! The phone, the messages. What if he texts K while he’s here? She slid the switch over to silent and dropped it on her bed. It was literally the first day, and she was already going to screw it all up.

Quickly, she tossed her robe and opted for some yoga pants and a loose-fitting top before throwing her hair in a messy bun. Workout wear was at least something that Evan had seen her in before. It was hardly stylish, but at least she was more put together than five minutes ago.

She splashed her face with water and debated a bit of makeup before deciding against it. It wasn’t like he’d never seen her without it. At least she didn’t end up watching a movie that made her cry or else she’d be all red and puffy. Small miracles.

“You coming to eat?” Evan called from the hallway.