Page 8 of Rise of the Alpha

“Pepsi will be fine, or water,” I rattle off to her, still taking in the bodies intertwined on the dance floor. Scanning the area, I see multiple couples engaged in different stages of making out.

“You’re fucking with me, right?” Shock is written all over her face. “I ask what you want and your answer is water. I’m sorry, Pepsi or water. Bitch, I meant alcohol. We’re partying, not at a nunnery.”

“I’m sorry, I’ve never really drank. It was forbidden. The only times I was allowed to have anything alcoholic was at pack functions, and it was only a single glass of red wine.”

Her face changes from shock to sadness, to fury. “Fuck your pack. Tonight we drink, we dance, and whatever else the goddess deems fit to happen. Stay here,I'll be back,” she says in her bestTerminatorvoice as she skips off.

My eyes keep roaming the crowd, wondering if the owner of the scent I’ve smelled twice now is going to be here. I lift my nose to the wind, but nothing. About five minutes later, I see Wylla, holding two shots in her hand, parting the crowd as she walks, almost as if she had some magical control over them. There’s a lanky boy in glasses, with tousled black hair following close behind with two beers firmly grasped in one hand while he’s holding what looks like more shots in the other. His eyes are firmly planted on her ass that’s swaying back and forth.

“I got us shots!!” she squeals out loudly when she gets closer, which has me shaking my head and wondering what the hell she’s about to get us into.

She speeds up, rushing towards me, stopping just before barrelling right into me. “Here’s our first shot,” extending her arm out to hand me the small cup with a brown liquid inside of it. Reaching out, I take it from her hand, bringing it up to my nose, inhaling deeply. Just the smell alone has me almost gagging.

“What is this?” I quickly ask, my stomach already turning before even tasting it.

“Crown Apple, don’t knock it till you try it,” she exclaims, raising her hand with the cup. “Let’s toast. Go for it, Magz.” Lifting my cup in the air, I decide to say fuck it and enjoy the night. “To the men we may meet tonight.” I tap my cup against hers, lowering it to my lips to swallow it down.

“Or women,” Wylla quickly says with a giggle before downing her shot.

She reaches back to the boy still captivated by her and takes the two shots he was holding. “Now for a little something different,Sambuca.” She hands one of the cups to me before bringing the one in her hand to her lips, tossing her head back, and drinking.

Lifting the cup, the smell of black licorice overtakes me. “To freedom and new experiences.” I toast again before swallowing the rich liquor.

“You have been so sweet, Chad, now run along.” She takes the two bottles of beer, Busch Light and Budlight, from him before giving him a flirty wink and shooing him away.

“You are such a tease, using him like that.” I give her a gentle shoulder bump as I turn back to the dance floor and the bodies gyrating against each other.

“Please, I made his night. Now he can go back to all his friends and tell them how he got to see me shake my ass in front of him across the quad. Win for me, I didn't have to carry all this on my own.” She barely finishes when the song changes over to “Daisy”by Ashnikko. She reaches out, takes my free hand, and drags me out into the sea of people on the dance floor.

“Wylla, stop, I can't dance,” I plead with her.

“Biotch, please, all you need to do is let loose and allow the music to overtake you. Sway with the beat,” she screams out over the pulse of the music.

She takes my free hand, spins me around, and pulls me back tight against her body before moving her hand down to my hip and gripping it, placing the arm that’s holding her beer over my shoulder. Her hips begin to sway behind me, gyrating to the beat of the music, begging mine to move in sync with hers.

My body immediately responds to her touch, my nipples pebbling and rubbing against the material of the dress, alerting anyone who looks at me of my arousal. Her hand slowly slips lower down my hip, moving closer towards the front of my body, her fingertips trailing along the area so close to my pussy. A soft moan escapes my lips, as her grip tightens.

My emotions are overloaded. I’m so confused by this beautiful woman. But does she feel the same? Is she telling me something with her touch or am I overthinking it? The song ends as another upbeat song with a salsa beat starts up. Knowing I need to break free from this hold she has on me, I quickly speak, “Another shot?”

“Hell yeah!” she fires back as she leads me off the dance floor. Lo and behold standing there at the edge of the floor, waiting, two shots in hand is her admirer from earlier.

“Thank you, Chad,” comes from her seductively, as she takes the shots from him, handing one to me. Leaning into him, she places a kiss on his cheek, a move that instantly makes a bolt of jealousy hit me that I can’t explain. My wolf growls at the show of affection between them. “You can go now.” She turns to me, smiling from ear to ear before a frown takes over as she looks at me. “What’s wrong, Magz?” she asks, concern etched on her face.

What’s wrong?If only I could tell her, express these overwhelming feelings I have for her. But instead, I shake it off, plastering a smile on my face, “Nothing, just wish I was a better dancer. Maybe this shot will help.” We both fall into laughter as I take the cup of liquid courage from her.

“To the best girls’ night ever!” She lifts her cup, toasting, before we both swallow down the harsh liquid. A different one this time. I really think I’m going to have a hangover tomorrow.

“Well, hello neighbor,” comes from behind us, in a deep, playful voice. We both turn in unison, and my breath is taken at the God standing before me. “Well, if it isn’t the hot guy from upstairs. Thought you weren’t coming,” she purrs, as her eyes drag up and down the length of his body.

He’s tall with black hair that's cut close on the side and longer on the top, styled to perfection. What I can see of his arms, left exposed from the dark t-shirt he’s wearing, are covered in tattoos. His jeans fit him like a glove and damn if he isn’t sporting a massive bulge in the front. He reminds me of a young Aaron Kwok.

He just shrugs, tossing us both a wink, very aware of the way each of us was taking in his body. “Well, I couldn’t pass up a chance to meet your elusive roommate, Magnolia, right?”

Hearing my name quickly pulls me out of my sex god induced haze. Sex wafts off him in a way I can’t even explain.

“Well, this would be her,” she pulls me in closer to her. “Magz, meet… I’m sorry, what was your name again?” Damn if she doesn’t have this flirting shit down to a T. But why am I not having feelings of jealousy like I did earlier with Chad?

“Oh, so we’re gonna play it like that, are we Rainbow Sprite? It’s a pleasure to meet you, Magnolia. Your name is far too beautiful to shorten, but not nearly as gorgeous as you are. I’m Jude, and if you ever need anything, I’m right on top of you,” he says as I feel the sexual tension in the area rise, a cacophony of moans is elicited from the group behind us as they begin to grind on each other.