Page 9 of Rise of the Alpha

My head begins to whip around, soaking everything in and confused at the same time. “He’s some type of sex demon. I picked up on the lust earlier today when he dropped off your package. My guess is Incubus,” Wylla explains as Jude gets a shit-ass grin on his face.

“Very good, Rainbow. What are you ladies drinking?”

“Oh, just a little of this and a lot of that!” Wylla laughs.

“Are you here all alone?” I ask, shocked by how easily I spoke to him.

“Nope, came with my roommates. They’re both off looking for some wolf Blaine’s trying to meet. We split up. I chose the more enjoyable option, looking for the two of you, and I think I’m the winner tonight.”

Heat burns straight to my core. I feel drawn to this man, more than just the sexual lust he’s letting off in waves. My body doesn’t know how to deal with my attraction to not only my roommate but now the guy who lives in our dorm. Plus, I still can’t find the person who owns the scent that's lived in my mind rent-free since the first time I smelled it.

The conversation continues about random shit and the upcoming school year. He steps closer and closer into our bubble, maneuvering his body between us until his shoulders are flush with one of ours.

Feeling like my body is on fire, and my heart is about to beat out of my chest just from the touches both of them are giving me tonight. I need to get away, just for a minute to regroup.

“Hey, guys, I’m going to run to the bathroom. Be back in a bit,” I tell them, before turning and hurrying off. It takes me about five minutes and two stops to ask for directions, but I finally find it and head inside.

There’s a cluster of girls standing in front of the mirror, primping and talking about some guys they were hoping to run into tonight. I smile awkwardly, quickly passing them, opening a stall door, and stepping inside.

Relieving myself, I hear the door open and close as the giggling girls leave. Taking a deep breath, I open the stall door, step out to the sink, and wash my hands. Bracing myself on the sink, I stare at my reflection in the mirror, already looking so different from the girl who arrived here this morning.

Okay, Magnolia, get it together. You need to control these hormones. You cannot fall for your roommate, the hot neighbor, and whoever owns that scent. Your father would snatch you out of this school in a heartbeat and take you back to the pack.Aftergiving myself a mental pep talk, I know it's time to head back out.

Swinging open the bathroom door, I step outside and barrel right into a wall. The force so hard, and already off balance on these ridiculous heels, I feel myself fall. But instead of hitting the ground, two massive hands grab me, keeping me upright as I regain my composure.

Looking up, I see the most stunning man, with chocolate eyes that call out a sense of familiarity to me.

“Thank you, I’m—” I tell him, still drawn to those eyes that see through my soul. I never get to finish, though, before he curtly cuts me off.

“Next time, watch where you’re going,” he gruffly says, his face reddening, before he turns and storms off into the crowd.

What an asshole!

I’m still caught off guard by his rudeness when I rejoin Wylla and Jude, who are laughing and carrying on right where I left them by the dance floor.


Runningintohertonightwas not in my plans. Leaving the bathroom and seeing her again caught me off guard. The way she looked at me like she knew me, still has my heart beating frantically. I was such an ass, instead of just saying ‘excuse me’ I acted like a fucking dick.

Damn, she’s just as fucking beautiful now as she was earlier today. I wanted to be with her, hell, my ferret was clawing at me to shift. He wanted nothing more than to be curled up against her body as she stroked him. But that would never happen. Once she found out I was nothing but a measly ferret shifter, a prey animal she would never want to be with us. Not to mention the fact that she spilled her guts to me while I licked her sweet juices from her fingers.

I rushed back across the quad to where I left Blaine, who was growing more pissed by the minute about not finding the Exodus Pack wolf. I see him standing by the bar, the slutty fairy that's been trying her hardest to get him to notice her, still there. My movement quickens, cutting the remaining distance between us.

“Fuck off, slut. He doesn’t want you!” I bark out at her, causing her to jump in fear. Tears stream down her face as she scurries off into the crowd.

“What crawled up your ass?” Blaine laughs, fucker knows he’s glad I got rid of her.

“I ran into the chick from the woods I told you about. Acted like a dumbass and was a grade-A prick to her. It’s for the best. She’d never be interested once she found out.”

“You need to get over it. We don’t care what your shifted form is. You’ve proven with every cage match you’ve fought in that you can beat the living fuck out of anyone. You’re a ferret, own the badass shifter you are,” he lectures me for the millionth time.

He’s right about one thing. I’m a beast in the ring. Hell, just last week I took down two dragons. Whoever said they were one of the fiercest shifters in the world fucking needs their heads examined. But I hate talking about me, and he knows it. So I switch quickly to a subject that’ll get him going.

“Did you find the Exodus Wolf or get confirmation on who it is?”

“No, it’s like it’s being kept top secret. No photo, nothing to identify who it is. What the hell is wrong with this school? Couldn’t they put out a freshman registry with a name, picture, supe type, and pack or coven? You know, all the basic shit someone should know?”

His face reddens the angrier he gets, lessening to some degree how bad I feel about being rude to my white wolf. “Seen Jude anywhere?” He’d taken off about ten minutes after we arrived, wanting to find the girls from downstairs.