Iwaitforthedoor to shut behind the girls before reaching down, picking up my shoe from the floor, and chucking it across the room, right at Blaine’s head. “What the fuck, dude!” he barks out, barely holding onto the beer in his hand.
“What the hell was that shit with Wylla? You claimed relentlessly that Magnolia was your mate, then you go and kiss her best friend like that. Dude, I could see your hard-on from here, imagine what Magnolia saw and how she felt about it. If you screw this up for me now that we are finally heading to a good place, I’ll fucking kill you.”
“Dude, it was a game. I thought we were all playing and having fun. She didn’t seem mad, especially when she turned around and kissed this fucker over here,” he says, pointing in Jude’s direction before running his fingers through his hair.
“Yeah, I get that it’s a game, but you fucking enjoyed it.” I mean, really, who the hell does he want to be with?
He lets out a deep sigh, falling back on the bed as he lifts his hands and begins rubbing his eyes. “Fuck, man, it was weird as shit. I know Magnolia is my mate, and I can feel it so intensely, my wolf feels it, needs it. But there’s this pull to Wylla as well, not as great as the one I have to Magnolia, though. The kiss was so fucking good, man. It went straight to my cock, and at no time did I or my wolf feel like it was wrong, or forbidden.” He sits back up before continuing, “Goddess, this is fucking confusing as hell, but you’re jumping down my throat. What about the sex demon over there practically fucking my mate in front of me? What the hell was that shit, Jude?” he growls out as he clenches and unclenches his hands. I have a sinking feeling he’s trying to reign in his anger and not go flying across the room toward Jude.
“Fuck you, Blaine, you’re being a fucking hypocrite. You want to bitch at me for playing the game and kissing the girl who I also have a fucking pull to. Yeah, you heard me, I have a pull to her as well, and you heard what Wylla said just as good as me, she has multiple mates. You just seem to have selective memory when it comes to that little fact. So if you and your wolf are smart, you’ll know you need to get used to it. For all we know, I might be one of those other mates. I plan to kiss her just as much as I fucking can. Wait, let me rephrase that, her and my rainbow sprite. Hopefully soon, I can make sweet love to them,” Jude fucking croons, and I want to barf. Imagining him having sex with anyone, let alone the girl I want, makes me feel ill.
“Both of you cocksuckers need to get your cocks in check. Just make sure you don’t fucking screw shit up. She’s finally over what happened in the woods, and I don’t want to make her upset again. Shit, you heard her, she’s okay with me being a ferret. No one’s ever been okay with it before. Once chicks find out what my shifted form is, they bolt. Magnolia accepts me, and I know she is my future, the one.” I pour my heart out to them. I’ve never felt for someone like I do Magnolia, and it’s scary. I’ve fallen for her fast and hard. “We just need to make sure we’re not fucking with their feelings. I like Wylla, and I have a pull to her just like you guys claim, but not the way I do to Magnolia. But leading her on, making her think there are more feelings for her than there really are, is wrong.”
“I get it. Really, I do, but I don’t feel like I’m leading her on because I genuinely have feelings for her too. It’s hard to explain, maybe it’s because I’m an incubus, and we have the ability to love or care for more than one person with more ease than most.” Jude stands slowly from his seat and walks over to the trash can, dropping his empty bottle in it before heading to the mini-fridge and pulling out another.
“And it seems like our pretty little wolf has caught the attention of the witch too. I think they’re friends, but if my intuition is right, Wylla feels more than just friendship toward Magnolia. She might feel a pull too and be a mate, it might be why we all feel pulled to her as well, just not as strongly. We need to be mindful of Wylla and her feelings for Magnolia too, not just ourselves. The four of us could be the mates she will be looking for once that fucking spell is lifted.” He lifts the bottle to his lips, swallowing down the liquid.
Looking over at Blaine, I see his face turned down to the floor. He feels it as well, even though he may not want to admit it. “Okay, so we continue to get close to Magnolia but be mindful of how we’re treating Wylla. We don’t want anyone's feelings to be hurt.”
We all nod in agreement and drop the subject. We spend the rest of the night drinking and bullshitting before we finally call it quits and go to bed.
We stumble down the hall, ping-ponging from one wall to the other, holding hands and giggling.Shit, we drank a lot.I thought the pizza would help absorb some of the alcohol, but either I didn’t eat enough or drank way too much for it to work. Probably the latter, since wolf boy put an extra slice on my plate. Not that I’m complaining because I ate it, but still,WEIRD!
“Wylla! How much further till our door? I wanna sleep,” Magz slurs from beside me. My girl is drunk too, and she is adorable like this. Giggly as hell, her pupils are blown, and she has a tinge of red covering her chest. She has been so fun and like a normal run-of-the-mill college student tonight, not worrying about what her father or her pack would think. I’m glad we decided to go upstairs.
“We’re almost to the elevator, baby, then just a few more steps.”
She turns to me with heat in her eyes, wagging her brows at me and biting her bottom lip between her teeth.Fuck me!I can’t believe I just called her baby. She seems to have liked it, though. I’m just as confused as ever. Magz just told me she has feelings, but she needs time to work through them, but then she’s wagging her brows as her pussy pretty much drips for me in the hallway? This wolf needs a therapist or an Exodus Pack exorcism.
I seriously think if she was free from the fear of her pack and Dad, she wouldn’t think twice about being with any one of us. Her stupid ass pack has so many rules on mating though, no same sex, no non-Exodus wolves, hell no non-wolves at all. It’s insane. Why, of all people, did I have to fall in love with someone from that pack?Karma is a fucking bitch!
We step inside the elevator, and Magz hits every single button trying to hit our floor number, but somehow seems to miss it. I laugh as I reach around her and hit our floor, amusement filling me at seeing her so playful. She sighs and leans against the wall, murmuring her thanks. I smile and wait for the ride to end now that we have to go up to the top and back down.
Getting to our floor, the doors slide open, and I step off, grabbing Magz’s hand and pulling her behind me. We get to our room in a few strides, and I unlock the door, letting us in. Magz rushes past me and strips down to her bra and panties. She plops down on her bed, laying face down on top of her blankets. Chuckling, I move to my closet and grab a shirt to sleep in and quickly change into it. Once changed, I grab my clothes and pick up Magz’s discarded ones from various places on the floor and shove them into our hamper.Damn, we are gonna have to do laundry soon.
I sit down on my bed and look over at Magz who is still face down on her mattress. “Magz, girl, are you still with me?” I see her stir when I call her name, and she rolls over and stares at me. “Hi, friend. You okay over there?” She smiles and nods at me, pulling a blanket up over her body. “Did you have fun tonight?” I question.
“Mmhhmm, so much fun.”
“You seemed upset when I kissed Fido. Are we okay or do we need to talk?” Now probably isn’t the time for this conversation, but I want to know where we stand if that game damaged our friendship.
“NOPE!” she says, popping the P.
“Okay, well you were growling, so are you sure?”
“Yeess, Wylla, I’m sure. The growling was for both of you.” She hiccups and gasps at her admission. I smile at her, letting her know it’s fine for her to be honest with me. “Also, it was hot.”
“Well, okay, if you say so. How was your kiss with the demon? Was that hot?” I ask, laying down and pulling my blanket up to my chin. She is giving me radio silence. Did I ask something wrong? Did she not like it and doesn’t want to admit it? I open my mouth to ask again, then I hear her soft snores.This bitch passed out on me!I’m cackling on the inside. I don’t want to wake her up, ya know?
Laying in bed, I close my eyes to try to sleep, but I’m plagued with thoughts on how it felt to kiss Blaine. I felt my magic call out to him. The urge to leave my magic mark on him was not as strong as it is with Magz, but it was definitely there. Watching her with the demon was sexy as hell. All I could picture was me between them as they kissed and explored each other's bodies.
Also, it was nice to be included tonight. Magz has been better since we had our talk this morning. The guys tonight though were way more inclusive to me, and I had a good ass time. I didn’t feel like their fifth wheel at all. I hope the last week was just growing pains, and this is how it is from now on. Tonight's events make me want to stay and not ask for a new room. I feel like this could be the start of our own little pack.