Page 41 of Rise of the Alpha

Ugh…myhead’spounding.I struggle to open my eyes, only to be assaulted by the brightness of the room that makes my stomach turn. Why the hell did I drink so much last night? I know why; I wanted to cut loose for a change, be me, and not worry about who anyone else thinks I should be. Waking up this morning to my first fucking hangover ever, I’m seriously rethinking my choices. The only thing puzzling me is why the hell I didn’t feel like death warmed over when I drank wine with Wylla.

I manage to open my eyes long enough to lift my head and look over to see that Wylla’s bed is empty. I wonder where she is and if she feels like shit also. I slowly sit up, having to reach out and steady myself by placing my hands on the bed because the room is making me feel like I’m on the tilt-a-whirl ride at the fair.

Swinging my legs off the side of the bed, I start to stand, but immediately drop back down when the room begins to spin. Fuck me! I’m never drinking again in my life! Once I think I’ve gotten the room to stop turning, I stand again.Success!Moving over to my desk, I decide to open my laptop and check my emails, just to make sure I didn’t do something stupid like send something to my father that I’ll live to regret.

Dropping down into my seat, I type in my password–it’s a simple one,password–then I open my email. Before I do anything else, I check my sent folder. Nothing. Thank you, Goddess, for keeping me from doing anything stupid last night. Well, other than the game of truth or dare that I vividly remember. That's something to think about at another time. I just want to bask in the fact I won’t have my father or the Alpha beating down my door and dragging me out by my hair.

Clicking back over to the incoming mail, I open it to a message from Professor Godrickson.

Miss Holloway,

Sorry for the early email, but I need to speak with you during my office hours today between 4 and 5 PM. If this does not work for you, please let me know and we can discuss a time that would be more feasible for you to come in.

Thank you,

Professor Godrickson

What the hell does he want?

I’m still stewing over it when I hear the bedroom door open and shut behind me. “Oh, you’re awake,” Wylla says softly, making me think either she also has a hangover, or she’s pretty confident I do and is taking pity on me. Either way, I’m one hundred percent okay with her toning down her bubbly ass self this morning.

“Yeah,” I muster, still worrying over what Godrickson wants to see me about.

“What’s wrong? You look like someone’s pissed in your cornflakes. You just woke up. What could have happened between the time I left the room to take a shower and now?” she asks as she sits down on the edge of her bed, looking at me intently. I can see how concerned she is, but when she speaks up, I know what has her looking at me the way she is. “Did your dad contact you? Or your Alpha? Are they making more demands of you?” she rattles off in succession.

“Umm… Professor Godrickson wants to see me today during his office hours,” I mumble nervously.

“You lucky ass bitch, fuck me. I mean, I wish he would fuck me.” She cackles in excitement as she fans herself with her hand. “I’d kill to be alone in his office with him. Your fine tail better wear a short ass fucking skirt and no underwear and make sure to bend over and show him that tight, pretty pussy of yours.” I feel my face growing warm and my panties becoming damp at the image her words create.

“Wylla, stop. What if it’s serious? I can’t be failing because school just started. I’m freaked the fuck out, and you’re over here making sex jokes.”

“Girl, you’re worrying about nothing. Maybe he just has an extra credit assignment for you,” she says, tossing me a flirtatious wink as she spreads her legs wide, allowing her towel to ride up and bare her naked pussy to me.

Fuck me, this woman has my hormones on overload. I’ve never been drawn to a woman like I am to her. Seeing her there, freshly showered, legs open with her clean shaven core on display, I want to sink to my knees on the floor in front of her and have a taste.

“Magz… Magz…” She pulls me from my erotic fantasy. “Where did you go? Look, it will be okay. Go shower, get dressed, and we’ll go grab some coffee and something to eat.”

“Fine, but Wylla, seriously, have you seen my silhouette? Geesh!” We both let out a laugh, happy to break the tenseness of the situation for a moment before I continue speaking “But really Wylla, what could he want?” I whine to her as I gather my clothes and get my shower caddy to go take a shower.

“Magz… stoppppp! You’re not going to know until you meet with him. So shut up, get dressed, and stop stressing, for Goddess’ sake.” She stands from the bed, and in a few graceful strides, she’s standing in front of me. Reaching her hand up, she takes the stray strands of hair that have fallen into my face and tucks them behind my ear. “Trust me. Everything is going to be okay, and if it’s not, you got me and the lugheads upstairs. We got your back, with everything, baby.” She leans in, places her lips on mine, and kisses me. A kiss so soft and delicate, but so intoxicating. “Now, go shower.” She turns and heads to her closet, looking for something to wear.

Bringing my hands to my lips, I touch them, savoring the way hers felt against mine.I long for them to be back on me.Fuck, help me. Between the three cocks upstairs and the pussy in my room, my virgin ass is scared. How the hell do I handle all this? Are they even going to really want someone as inexperienced as me?

Opening the door, I step into the hallway and head to the shower, my pussy begging for some attention. Goddess, I hope no one is there because I really need to take care of myself.

Standing in front of Professor Godrickson’s door, my nerves are on overload. All I can think about is how he looked at me during class today. Every time I looked up, I saw his eyes on me, the heat of them burning a hole right through me, but he never spoke directly to me.

Jude must have sensed my unease, reaching out and covering my hand with his, squeezing gently. “What’s wrong, Maggie?” he whispered as softly as he could with his deep voice. I shake my head no, hoping he takes it, but no such luck. “Nuh uh, spill it.” His voice was deeper and more forceful.

Leaning in closer to him, keeping my voice low so I don’t draw attention to myself, I explained what was wrong. “Professor Godrickson wants to see me in his office today during his office hours.”

“Want me or the three of us to come with you? It’s probably nothing.” He tried to comfort me with his words.

“Nah, I’m a big girl. I can do it alone. I’ve just got myself worked up.”

Hell, I’m still worked up. Taking a deep breath, I lift my hand and knock on the door.

“Come in!” he shouts out from the other side. Opening the door, I step inside to see him seated behind his desk with a laptop open in front of him.