Page 129 of Forever Friends

Emily stared at John’s tender gaze from where he sat beside her, smiling, only to see him lean down and kiss her belly button sweetly.

“I love both of my girls more than I ever thought possible.”

“… And we both love you,” she whispered.

“Gosh,” John breathed, getting this faraway look on his face before he smiled at her mischievously, realizing that her husband was up to no good. “You know what?”

“What?” she asked, smiling, and playing along with him.

“It’s been soooo long since I’ve been froggin’…”

“Oh gosh,” she chuckled wildly, realizing what he was referring to as he wagged his eyebrows at her, laughing, and started removing his shirt. “You’re a mess, John…”

“Nahhh…” he protested innocently.

“I thought you were going to take Johnny frogging next time you were home,” she taunted, remembering that he’d offered to teach his new nephew how to catch frogs, and agreed to join the duo for deer hunting in the future.

“Yeah, NOT the same thing…” he muttered, yanking off his undershirt, giving her a glimpse of his tanned skin and those metal dog tags he always wore. “I was thinking that perhaps we could reconnect, show you how much I love you, and…”

“Do a little froggin’?” she finished tenderly.

“I’ve always loved catching frogs,” he replied softly, smoothing a hand over her stomach, before meeting her eyes. “Just never thought I’d make one…”

“Gosh, I love you, you silly Cajun…”

“I’myoursilly Cajun – forever – and I can’t wait to meet our little one.”

“She’ll be here soon enough.”




Emily’s eyesflew open as she lay there in bed on her side with John’s arms wrapped around her waist, holding her as much as he could. She had a pillow tucked between her knees, slightly under her belly, and between her boobs simply because she could not get comfortable anymore… but this was different.

Her back ached… and she had wet the bed.

“Oh my gosh…” she whispered, humiliated, and prayed that John didn’t wake up or notice until she could put a towel down or something. How was she even going to hide this? She never even noticed or felt the urge to go, nor was she having a dream about being in a bathroom.

… Only to feel a contraction seize around her midsection.

Problem solved… and introducing a larger, more pressing one,she thought nervously, realizing that she hadn’t actually wet the bed… but her water broke.

She wasn’t due for another two weeks.

The last three weeks had been a flurry of long hours in the office, entering data and working almost around the clock between her, John, and the temp that she’d hired to help them out. John manned the phones, helped answer questions, and was tremendous at helping with data entry, saving her some time as she worked her magic.

… And it was all catching up to her now.

“John? John?… John, honey, wake up,” she whispered, trying to roll over awkwardly, because of the mountain of pillows on one side and her husband on the other. “John…?”

“Em, why is the bed wet? Did I…? Oh man, I’m so sorry - it was a great dream, but I’ve never,ever…” he looked so out of sorts, and was rubbing his face trying to wake up.

“Oh goodness, why is everything focused on what’s in your pants?” she said in sheer aggravation, as another contraction started to roll over her.

“Because I’m a guy?” he offered up, rubbing his face again. “What’s going on?”