Page 130 of Forever Friends

“My water broke…”

“What?!” he hissed, sitting straight up and leaping out of bed. “That’s…baby-yolk?”

“NO!” she snapped, torn between laughing and being angry. “It’s not ‘baby yolk’, John! Babies don’t have ‘yolks’. Now, can you help me sit up? I’m kinda stuck and laying here in it…”

He came around the bed and scooped her up like she was nothing, setting her down on her feet… only to stand there wobbly before him, holding her stomach.

“Man… this is… whew, I’m good,” she hesitated, and looked at him. “My water broke, we’re gonna have to head to the hospital.”

“Do you need me to text anyone or get your bag?”

“Yeah, let’s get the bag and make our way to the car. Don’t text anyone yet,” she began, glancing at her watch as he flipped on the bedroom lights. “It’s barely two in the morning.”

“I’ll get the bag and you can change…”

“They are just going to make me get in a hospital gown anyhow.”

“I should dress.”

“You’ll need to.”

“Do you want a bathrobe or something, honey?”

“I’m in my nightgown and I can just throw on some pants… maybe.”

“You stay here and let me…”

“I’m not staying here…”

“I’m going to pull the car up front and…”


“Emily,” he said in exasperation. “We are both nervous, but we need to stop fighting each other and work on getting you downstairs. Now, I’m a little freaked out about you falling down the stairs if you have another contraction… and I thought it might be easier to pull the car around front.”

“I just want to get the bag – and get moving,” she began – and froze.

Both hands moved immediately to her belly, holding it gingerly, as she stared at John, eyes widening in awareness as a full-blown contraction started around her back and wrapped around her front, intensely strong.

“Are you okay? Em? Emily?” he asked hoarsely, kneeling before her and putting his hands on her stomach in alarm.

“Hang… on…”

“I’m getting the bag and we’re going.”

“Pants…” she whispered breathlessly as she nodded – only to see him jerk on some wrinkled sweatpants that he’d left on the floor and a T-shirt over his head.

“I’ll be right back.”

He hefted the small bag she had packed for the hospital and the diaper bag she had ready, racing down the stairs in record time like someone rapping a snare drum.

As the contraction started to fade, she stood up slowly, taking several deep breaths, and grabbed a robe nearby. Putting it on, she slowly pulled it around her body, realizing that her stomach had moved downwards at some point, and recognizing that this was ‘go time’for her baby…

Her belovedtadpole, as John called their daughter, was coming.

She heard him pounding up the stairs, calling out her name, and smiled.

“Emily? How are you doing, my love? Em?”