Page 14 of Forever Friends

The duo separated and took their positions. Jana was standing directly beside her, still sneaking glances at Vapor… while the dark-haired man with the breathtaking eyes gazed out on the crowd politely, hands clasped before him.

As the other people filed into the sanctuary, Emily heard the music change as everyone stood. Her eyes filled with tears as she watched her father walk Karen down the aisle to Jace’s side.

She chanced a glance towards the unknown man and saw him dutifully watching the couple exchange their vows.

What would it be like to actually find someone that suited you, fit your personality, and looked at you like Jace gazed at Karen… with so much love that it poured from his very being?

All she ever wanted deep-down inside was a chance – a chance to be accepted, loved, and find a friend to share her life with. She didn’tneeda man in her world… but she kindawantedone someday.

“… And then there you were,” Jace whispered reverently. “Your soul shining so brightly and speaking to mine, that I knew I would do anything just to have you pay attention to me. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you, Karen.”

Emily let out a sigh of envy and hesitated a moment later as she realized that Vapor and Jana were smiling at each other across the room openly.

She glanced at the dark-haired man that fascinated her and saw that he was moved by the ceremony… making her feel something so visceral and strange within her being.

Did he want something like this for himself someday, too?

Fascinated, she saw his throat work as he swallowed. He was such a beautiful person – and she could see it, that raw, open gaze of longing and envy towards the couple who only had eyes for each other…

What would it be like to have him look at her?

She knew he wasn’t interested in her, because the moment Jana walked up to take his arm – his eyes moved away and seemed to light up.

Second place trophy… but she could certainly deal with a participation ribbon at this point, if he would just look at her with even an inkling of that wonderful smile that she’d glimpsed at for those few brief moments.

Gosh, he was the epitome of masculinity… and soooo stinkin’ cute, she mused idly, gazing at him – only to feel eyes on her.


“Quit watching me…” Emily hissed under her breath.

“Oh, we are soooo talking when this is over,” Jana hissed back.

A loud applause caused both women to jump guiltily, causing Emily to curse silently as she realized she’d completely zoned out over most of the wedding vows and had missed the couple’s kiss.

As her sister walked back down the aisle, smiling and laughing with joy, clinging to Jace’s arm and gazing at him, she immediately fell into line beside Vapor, heading towards the doors so they could make their way towards the reception hall.

The moment they got to the hallway – her escort bailed on her.

No surprise there,she thought sadly.

“I’m gonna go smoke…” Vapor uttered, and literally left her there before she could say a word, adrift. A pair of hands seized her arm painfully – yanking her to the side… and dragged her into a closet.

“Put up or shut up time, Emily…” Jana hissed, eyes flashing with intensity and urgency. “We need to talk, and I have a huge favor I need from you.”

“What are you doing?” Emily hissed, immediately gathering up the voluminous skirts to keep them from dipping in the dirty mop bucket that was on casters in the middle of the room. “It smells like spoiled wash rags and Pine Sol in here! Can we talk anywhere else?”

“No,” Jana whispered, panicked. “Keep your voice down – please.”

“What is going on?”

“I need your help… and it’s a secret.”

“Nuh-uh…” Emily flatly denied, reaching for the handle. “I’m out.”

She didn’t want to have anything to do with whatever secret and favor that Jana was about to propose, because she was pretty sure the term ‘tryst’ was about to come up in a sentence.

The dark-haired man might not be interested in Emily… but she wasn’t interested in conspiring against him or causing him pain. Nope. She liked his smiles, and would prefer to see it one more time at least.