Page 13 of Forever Friends

“Then let’s go…”

They all filed out into the hallway and began to line up, pairing off. Emily knew her placement was at the front of the processional – and knew her guide down the aisle was one of Jace’s friends.

She saw several men were lined up along the hallway before the doors to the sanctuary, holding their children in their arms, before partnering up with their spouses quickly.

Sophie, whose husband was still overseas, took the arm of one pilot and nodded politely in greeting, smiling at him. Jace had insisted that she be paired with someone who was good friends with her husband because he couldn’t be there to attend.

… The man standing directly in front of Sophie’s escort down the aisle was there – and her own escort, Vapor. As she walked up to take her place, Emily chanced a glance to the side… and hesitated.

The dark-haired man standing there turned easily towards her, like he knew her… and Emily started in shock, feeling a pang of awareness within her.

He had such a breathtaking smile – wide, joyful, with bright, gleaming teeth neatly lined up against his dark growth of facial hair on his jaw and upper lip, framing it nicely.

She sucked in her breath, a feeling rocketing through her soul, and saw the hesitation in his expression… only to see his smile falter.

Typical, she thought, smiling sadly in return – before looking past him towards Vapor, her escort.

Vapor said a quickhello,but kept glancing over his shoulder towards Jana… making Emily feel even more despondent.

Yes, Jana was so much more beautiful than her – and she wasn’t interested in the pretty boy anyhow. Especially not when there was a true man standing not five feet away.

He was buff by the way his jacket was snug across his shoulders and cleared Jana’s head easily. She always liked a guy that looked like a man… she would take the Brawny paper towel man over a guy from GQ magazine any day!

“Hello,” Emily said politely, taking his arm. “Nice to meet you, Vapor.”

“And you,” he said distractedly, glancing over his shoulder again.

Emily sighed.

The gorgeous man was talking to Jana easily and she was catching bits and pieces of their conversation, realizing that apparently the duo had been talking for a while.

Why did Jana act like she didn’t have anyone in her life when she hadthisbeautiful guy?

… It also made her wonder which ‘two out of the three’characteristics he had, since they were just talking about men, rejects, and holding out for something like what Karen had found with Jace.

He was standing right there, smiling at Jana, and she looked completely disinterested…

“Everything looks so nice,” the beautiful man said in a hushed voice to Jana – and even his voice was perfectly lovely. A warm, rich baritone with a heavy accent that caught her attention right away. “I heard from Hot Cakes that you girls were here late last night setting up.”

Me…she thought wildly, seeing her escort look over his shoulder again at Jana and feeling like a third wheel.I was here last night helping too, you know…

“Yup,” Jana replied bluntly. “I’m sorry. I’m just a little scatterbrained today because I’m tired.”

“I understand. Maybe we can have coffee after that promised dance and talk?”

“Sure,” Jana said idly, looking forward and completely distracted.

Ohhhh gosh,Emily thought painfully, feeling so jealous and upset that the object of her attentions was obviously not interested in her in the slightest – he was boldly asking Jana out for coffee and a dance at the reception.

Chopped. Liver.


Hearing the music start up in the distance, the train of participants slowly moved forward to enter the sanctuary with purpose. Emily and Vapor walked slowly towards the front to take their positions – and part of her wanted to pinch his arm angrily when he glanced back at Jana again.

Instead, they parted at the front of the church where Vapor quickly took his place beside Jace at the front of the church. Emily moved to the ‘X’ taped to the floor where she was supposed to stand – and looked at the couple moving forward directly behind her.

His dark head was bent slightly towards Jana as she held his arm, adjusting her dress and straightening up. Had she tripped? That was Emily’s biggest fear, that she would disgrace herself and fall flat on her face – but she hadn’t.