Page 136 of Forever Friends

John ended the call and looked at Emily.

“She’s scared to tell Vapor about the baby – afraid how he’s going to react.”

“So, I gathered,” Emily smiled as Lisette darted past her on the deck and John swung her up in his arms, happily as she hugged him.

“She was asking what to say, afraid he would be upset, and generally just needing to hear everything was going to be fine. I’m betting she hasn’t told Jace yet.”

“But she called to tell you?”

Emily’s eyebrow raised questioningly.

“Friends – that’s all and you know it. If you want me to end our friendship, I will, but you have zero to worry about. You are first in my world, always.”

“No, I just want to make sure she stays in her lane…” Emily smiled at him, causing John to laugh.

“Honey, we are on different highways… you don’t have to worry in the slightest.”

“I know – and I’m only teasing – which is why I left you to take the call alone. I know you worry what I think, and you’ve never given me a reason to doubt you…”

“And never will,” he promised, interrupting her.

“You know, if they just got back from Cairo – why don’t we look up trinkets online regarding babies, good luck charms, and Egypt – and send them something so they have a memento? I mean, it’s probably silly, but sometimes people like stuff to remind them of when their life changed.”

“I get it…” John said, holding up his hand and pointing at the tattoo that he didn’t bother to cover anymore. “I never thought this was my style – but I love seeing your name on me.”

“I still wear my bracelet every single day and sleep in my Las Vegas t-shirt for that same reason, because that’s where this sweet girl was conceived,” Emily smiled, reaching out to tickle Lisette’s tummy.

“And this sweet girl?” he said tenderly, laying a hand on Emily’s stomach. “Do you remember that evening under the stars…?”

Emily touched her earrings – the tiny gold starbursts that John had given her on Valentine’s Day. Every smile, every single look she gave him, would forever be engrained in his mind, heart, and soul forever.

There was no John without Emily.

They were like binary stars, pulling and pushing at each other, yet necessary to keep the other in place. It was the most breathtaking relationship he could have ever imagined – and couldn’t imagine being happier than he was now.

“I could never forget it…” she sighed happily, gazing at him.

Leaning forward, he kissed her softly, his lips lingering against hers as if to just draw another iota of love from her in that moment. He loved her sighs, the way she would get this faraway look in her eyes, and smiled tenderly, before pressing another kiss against her lips.

“Me neither,mon Coeur…

* * *

Hey X-Ray,

I don’t know how you did it – but thank you for coming through for me again, my friend. You have excellent timing! I appreciate the gift so much, and it’s perfect for our trip. We just got in town, and if I know my brother? He’s going to insist on opening gifts tonight. I’ll take plenty of photos so you can see.

What did Emily say? I appreciate you both listening when I called, because I was panicking and needed to talk to someone who could talk me down off the ledge, you know?

You two are really the best – and we adore you both so much.

Come visit, you are always welcome, my friend.


Jana and Vapor

* * *