Page 135 of Forever Friends

Emily’s phone rang.

“It’s Jana… Hello? Yeah, we are both here – hang on and let me put it on speaker,” Emily began and hesitated. “You’re on. Is everything okay?”

“Hey Jana…”

“Auntie Jana-ananana…” Lisette hollered happily, clapping her hands.

“Hey sweet baby girl,” Jana said tearfully, and sighed audibly on the phone. “Well, I might have my answer and that was probably exactly what I needed to hear…”

“What’s wrong?” John asked quietly, watching Emily’s expression. He and Jana were only friends, pen pals, distant relatives through her brother Jace… but he was also not stupid.

He had a treasure in Emily and wouldn’t risk that for anything in the world – much less talking to another woman. He copied Emily on every email and included her so there were no secrets, no suspicions, and zero jealousy.

“Matthew and I came back from Cairo… and I can’t believe this…”

“Are you okay? Is Vapor alright?”

“We’re both fine… but I’m pregnant.”

“That’s wonderful news!”

“Oh Jana – we are so very happy for you,” Emily said gently, smiling at John as she cradled Lisette still on her hip… who shivered. “Congratulations, Jana – John, I’m going to go dry off Lisette and feed her. Take the call, my love.”

“I love you,” he said tenderly – only to see Emily’s knowing smile.

“I know you do – that’s why we are swimming tonight.”

John watched her walk away, stunned by the vehement feelings within him, knowing what tonight would bring between them… heaven.

“So, what’s with the tears, Jana?” he said openly. “Babies are a wonderful thing, and we can’t imagine life without Lisette… and going to have another girl in a few months. I’m surrounded and loving every second of it.”

“I know… and I don’t know why I’m so freaked out, but I guess it’s because our lives will change, you know? Matthew and I have enjoyed travelling so much, and then with the new assignment here? It’s just been a lot.”

“I can tell you right now that he will be so happy to hear about the pregnancy – and that you are happy about it. Your brother will be ecstatic and loves his daughter Claire to death.”

“I’m being silly, aren’t I?”

“No, you are being concerned about a major life change and how it will affect your spouse. That’s not unreasonable, because you value Vapor’s relationship with you… it doesn’t change things, but rather can deepen it. I knew I loved Emily with everything in me, but that grew so much the moment I saw my daughter laying against her chest in the delivery room. I would do anything for either of those two females… and it will be the same for Vapor.”

“How should I tell him? Should I just blurt it out?”

“Nahh…” John began, hesitating. “I never liked secrets, and Emily told me almost immediately when she saw me – but Vapor is different. He likes surprises and was really touched when you sent him that box full of candy from Boston. Remember that? I heard about it for days how ‘his friend’had sent it… when you two were still a secret.”


“Oh yeah – Jana, that man loves you more than you could ever imagine. I think you should surprise him. Do it at Christmas, so you are with everyone. Vapor loves being the center of attention – and this will definitely sway you to his side if you are nervous.”

“I’ll have to think of something special.”

“Let me see what Emily and I can think of to help you out… but keep it simple. A sonogram, or a pregnancy test, wrapped in a box. Nothing weird, like putting together a puzzle or having to unwrap fifty boxes to get to it.”

Jana laughed – and John realized his friend was relaxing a bit, looking up to see Emily watching them on the phone in the yard.

“Congratulations again and let me pick my Emily’s brain – she’s so smart when it comes to this stuff… and Vapor will never forget this if you do it right.”

“Thanks, X-Ray….”

“You betcha.”