“I don’t think you are making the point you think you are making,” I said, reaching for my water bottle.

Kylie threw her head back and laughed.

“I’m really sorry about the whole stabbing thing.” I said looking down at Kylie’s bandaged arm.

“What this? Don’t worry about it, hopefully it will scar.”

“You want it to scar?” I asked as Murmur plopped down next to me.

“Don’t you know? Scars are sexy! They are like natures tattoos. They tell the story of every battle you fought and survived.”

“I never thought of it like that.” I said, she was right, every scar physical or mental shows obstacles you overcome.

Kylie had me sparring against Murmur for the last hour while standing on the sidelines watching my form and correcting things as we went. She gave us a few moments to catch our breath and hydrate before snapping at us to begin again.

Murmur pulled his punches just enough that I could get back up when I went down, but they still took a toll. I bounced on my feet for a few moments, shaking out the fatigue from my muscles, then sank down into starting position again.

“My offer still stands,” Murmur said, deflecting my right jab.

“What offer?” I asked, ducking under his grapple attempt.

“I will give you all the dirt on Rune if you can give me a little information on Sarah.” Murmur threw another right.

I easily deflected, but I missed his follow-up left cross, and I landed on my ass again. I was pretty sure by the end of this, my leggings would smell more like the lemon disinfectant they used on the mat than my detergent.

“Again,” Kylie said.

“I think at this point you have talked to her more than I have.” I got back up and resumed my fighting stance. “It kinda feels like I don’t even know her anymore.”

“Now, I am sure that isn’t true,” he said.

“Maybe.” I didn’t want to talk about what was going on with Sarah, not until I had time to figure shit out. That, I could only do when she was ready to talk to me.

Sometimes having a stubborn bestie was a bitch and a half.

I threw another punch at Murmur. It connected, but he didn’t even flinch.

“That was a good hit, but you need to throw your weight behind the punch to give it power.” Kylie strode onto the mat and stood behind me. “When you pull back on a punch, you want to tighten your core. When you throw the punch, you push through the target with your entire body. You shift with the punch.” She put her hand on mine and showed me how to shift my body.

“Like this?” I asked, rotating my hips and legs slowly into the movement.

“Yes, now at full speed.”

I threw the punch like she showed, connecting with Murmur’s abs that were braced for the impact.

“Good. You’re getting it,” she said with a smile.

“Thanks. Can I ask you a question?” I shook out my hand. Murmur had some impressive abs under that black tank top.

“Always, but I might not always answer.” She stepped to the side of the mat again.

“Why are you wearing stiletto boots in the gym? Don’t your feet hurt?” I noticed her tall black leather boots with the signature red sole when I came in. They seemed very out of place with the workout clothes she was wearing. A combination of function and fashion that just confused the hell out of me.

“I wear these during combat training. Always. Since I prefer wearing heels when I’m in the field, I know how to shift my weight in them. Otherwise, they’d put me at a disadvantage. I don’t enjoy being at a disadvantage,” she answered. “I have found it’s easier to demand respect when you are eye to eye with most men. It’s easier to be seen as an authority figure, or a threat, when they aren’t literally looking down on you. Do you wear heels often?”

“No,” I said. “I am more of a sneakers and ballet flats kind of girl. I leave the big platform boots to Sarah.”

“Oh god, tell me more,” Murmur said with a groan.