“I am not fueling your footwear fetish.” I tried to kick him; he blocked my foot easily.
“Meanie.” He stuck his tongue out, and since I was a mature grown-ass woman, I stuck mine out at him too.
Our very mature conversation was interrupted when Kylie’s phone rang on the bench against the wall.
“Take five.” She stepped back to answer the call.
“Hey, have you made any progress in figuring out why I was targeted?” I sat down on the mat; Murmur collapsed next to me. I knew he was just being dramatic, but I was flattered by the idea that I had worn him out that much.
“We know the men who came after you are with the Folkvang, but that is about it,” Murmur said. “They are unfortunately tight-lipped for a rebellion.”
“Why does Hell have rebels? From everything Rune told me, it is a wonderful place.”
Kylie walked back to the mat and took a seat across from us. She and Murmur exchanged a look.
“What?” I asked.
“It’s complicated,” Murmur said.
“What’s complicated?” I asked. When neither of them answered, I put my water bottle down. “I’m getting really tired of half-truths and feeling like people are hiding things from me. It was understandable when you thought I was human, but now? I’m one of you. Why can’t you tell me?”
“Youareone of us,” Murmur said, patting my shoulder. “And it’s not hiding things. It’s figuring out what to say exactly.”
“Hell is a beautiful place, but it can also be very unforgiving if you have the misfortune of being born poor,” Kylie said. “Rune isn’t wrong. It is beautiful, but his experience of Hell is very”—she paused, seeming to look for the right word—“limited.”
“Oh…” I didn’t know how to respond to that. It made sense. I think.
Kylie got back up and stretched. “You’re a smart girl. Ask him about the rebellion, get the details from him, but be sure to keep your source in mind when you do. The royals have a very distinct way of looking at things.”
“I’m not sure what that was supposed to mean.” Murmur looked confused and a little hurt.
“Back on your feet!” Kylie barked. “Fighting positions. Tori, keep your weight balanced.”
Murmur and I jumped back into a fighting stance and kept sparring. Well, I sparred. Murmur went easy on me, deflecting my punches and returning what I was sure was half speed and even less force. Kylie stood watching us, providing equal amounts of praise and correction.
After another hour of training, I was feeling fantastic. My body ached, I was covered in sweat, and my leggings were clinging in very uncomfortable ways, but I felt alive.
I threw a right hook, which I knew Murmur would dodge, then I spun into a high kick that caught him off guard. It hit the side of his head and knocked him to the floor.
“Yes!” Kylie yelled. “That is what I’m talking about! We are going to get you on a strict training routine, and in a few months, you will be a great asset on the field.”
My cheeks ached I was smiling so big as I offered Murmur a hand up.
He mumbled something along the lines of “lucky shot” as he accepted my hand.
“Luck had nothing to do with it,” I said, pulling him up. “It’s all untapped potential.”
“Potential? Is that what Rune sees in you that he wants to tap?” Murmur raised a teasing brow at me.
I grinned. “Keep talking, pretty boy, and I’ll knock you on your ass again.”
“Bring it on, buttercup.” Murmur resumed his fighting stance with a kind smile that reached his eyes.
Something about the playful banter made me feel good, like I really belonged here.
“Less talking, more hitting.” Kylie crossed her arms, waiting.
I matched Murmur’s position. This time, I allowed him to strike first, letting him think I was on the defensive while I waited for another opportunity to attack. It didn’t take long. When I ducked under a punch, I hit him twice in the ribs, getting in close, then landed a knee to his stomach, then dropped him back on the mat.