“Maybe, or maybe me being there slowed down the assholes who broke in just enough so they did not kill my sisters before you got here.” I stopped packing and looked at Rune.

A line formed between his brows.

I set the bag on the bed and moved to stand in front of him. Using my thumb to smooth out the line, I tried to calm him down. “I am fine. A little banged up, but fine. Vivi is safe, and Sarah will have something to hold over my head for a bit. We are all safe. You got here in time and made sure of it. Thank you for saving me.” I smiled up at Rune when his hands seemed to automatically wrap around my waist and pull me in. “Again.”

He still wasn’t looking at me.

“Okay, fine. You are right. I should have waited. I didn’t know how close you were, but I should’ve thought before jumping into a fight I didn’t know how to win.”

“You are going to be a handful, aren’t you?” He rolled his eyes. “Because we both know you don’t regret any of it.”

“I mean if… If I am too much for you…” I tried backing out of his arms.

Rune tightened his hold. “That isn’t what I’m saying.”

“Then what are you saying?” I moved my hands to his shoulders and linked them behind his neck. The warmth of his body soothed my frayed nerves, allowing me to take the first full, deep breath since they broke the door down. I looked up into Rune’s eyes as they flashed a brighter blue. I didn’t know what that meant, but I liked that I had an effect on him.

“I’m saying I have never met a woman who is so infuriatingly stubborn. I think I like it.” Rune moved down so he was at eye level. “So, I guess our date has to be postponed until we figure all this out?”

I wasn’t really listening to what he was saying. Instead, I focused on his lips and how close they were to mine, how the intoxicating scent of his cologne filled my nose and made me a little dizzy. I pulled him closer to me, a second from pressing my mouth to his and tasting his lips.

“Please HURRY! I WOULD LIKE TO GET SOMEWHERE SAFE!” Vivi yelled from downstairs, killing the mood.

I let go of Rune and stepped away.“Is there anything else I really need?” I grabbed the now overstuffed bag from the bed.

“I don’t think so. If there is, I’ll bring you back.”

* * *

Downstairs, Sarah had her messenger bag lying at her feet. She was standing next to Murmur, who had Vivi’s bright pink backpack slung over one shoulder and a massive stuffed unicorn under his other arm.

“You are bringing the unicorn?” I asked Vivi.

Vivi loved her stuffed animals, but she was fifteen. She didn’t need them to sleep like she did when she was younger.

“Nope, I gave Mr. Stabby to Murmur to say thank you for saving us,” Vivi answered before turning to Rune. “I’d give you something too, but it looks like you are taking my sister, and I’m not sure if I like you yet.”

“Okay, then,” Rune said, clearly not understanding how to deal with a pint-sized human. “Let’s get you guys to the castle. Have you had dinner yet?”

“No,” we all answered together. Food was sacred in our home. We did not miss meals.

“How about we get you ladies to the castle,” Murmur said, “then order in some greasy junk food? I think after everything, you deserve it.”

“What kind of greasy junk food?” Vivi asked.

“How do you feel about Julio’s?” Murmur asked. “I am thinking chimichanga plates and then super nachos to share.”

“I like him. Can we keep him?” Vivi asked me, making Murmur laugh. “Although he clearly needs some training if he thinks we are going to share super nachos.”

“Well then, let’s go get you settled in and fed.” Murmur took Vivi’s hand with the arm that wasn’t full of unicorn and led my sisters out to the SUV.

I didn’t need to look to know Rune was behind me. I could feel the warmth coming off his body.

He leaned down to whisper in my ear. His breath against my neck sent shivers down my spine I tried to ignore. “Am I going to have to work really hard for your sister’s approval to have a real chance with you?”

Just knowing that he would grovel to a teenager to make me happy made my heart flutter.

“No, Vivi will decide if she likes you or not all on her own. Trying to impress her will only backfire. But her opinion of people doesn’t really influence mine. As long as she doesn’t outright loathe you, we’re good.”