“Questions before we get you out of here?” Rune practically growled.

“Yeah, I got one more,” Vivi said. “Are we just going to ignore that homeboy here rolled up just in the nick of time with wings, horns, and fangs?”

“I was on the phone with him when I heard the door break,” I answered. “That’s why he got here so fast.”

“Yeah, that doesn’t explain the wings, horns, or fangs. Where did you guys come from? Do you have superpowers?”

I looked over to Rune and Murmur for some guidance on what we could and couldn’t tell them.

“Yes,” Murmur said. “I have superpowers. Now can we go?”

Vivi threw up her hands. “Pft, no! How do I know you’re not a super villain.”

“Well, I did just save you.” Murmur tried to reason.

“Yeah I am going to need more.” Vivi crossed her arms over her chest and stared up at Murmur until he broke.

“Ok, let’s start with the basics. I’m a demon. Yes, I am from hell. It’s actually quite nice there, and nowhere near as hot as here in the summer. No, it’s not on fire, unless there is a forest fire, but those aren’t as bad as they are here, either. Most of what you see on TV is complete shite. Oh, wait you’re little I shouldn't swear huh… ok so let’s pretend I said Hooey, not shite.”

“Whatever the fuck you want, buddy. I will definitely pretend that you said something even more fucking ridiculous…than shite… By the way, here it is pronounced shit. Also, I am fifteen, not five.” Vivi looked up at him, cocking one eyebrow.

“How about I help you and Sarah pack a bag and I will answer your questions.?” Murmur offered.

Apparently, that was good enough for Vivi. Sarah still had her arms crossed over her stomach while she stared at the floor. She must’ve been processing everything. As soon as we were out of here and safe, I was going to have to give her the full story.

* * *

We all headed upstairs; Murmur followed Vivi while answering her rapid-fire questions. Sarah seemed to want to stick with Vivi, so I went to my room to get my stuff together.

I jumped when my bedroom door slammed behind me. Rune had come in after me. He started pacing around my small room, taking up far too much space.

“We are going to finish that conversation,” he said.

“What conversation is that?” I asked, stepping around him to get to my closet.

“The one where you went against a direct order.”

“I am pretty sure we finished that conversation. It ended when I reminded you that you don’t get to give me orders.” I grabbed an old book bag from the closet and started shoving a few days’ worth of clothes inside.

“I am a Prince of Hell; I get to give orders to everyone.”

Seeing such a large man pace in a small pastel room would be funny if he wasn’t constantly in my way.

“I am not one of your subjects,” I bit back. I took a deep breath to stop myself from yelling. “Look, I know you are used to getting your way, but…”

“Fine, don’t obey me because I am a prince. Obey me because I can keep you safe. My priority is to keep you safe.”

“I’m sorry, did we get married when I was knocked out last night?” I turned on my heel and stepped directly into his path, making him stop.

“What? No.”

“Then what the fuck makes you think I am going to obey you? I am not your wife. I am not some fucking pet human either. I won’t blindly obey shit.”

His mouth opened and closed a few times.

I counted to ten in my head to calm myself down before continuing. “Look, I heard Vivi scream, and I flew into action. I didn’t stop and consider my choices. Vivi screamed, and I didn’t know what would happen to her before you got here. I didn’t think, I acted.” I went back to packing, shoving my phone charger into the bag, and looked around for anything else I would need.

“You were reckless. You’re hurt because of your actions.”