The way Mrs. Smith’s arm tensed, and she faltered a step, the demon within clearly suspected something was amiss.
Exiting the main house, a cool drizzle fell from the gray sky, a light mist so subtle that a person would not even realize it until looking down at the tiny droplets forming on the skin. It was soothing and reminded Greylyn of the way the dense fog in Scotland would roll in and leave everything damp as if it had rained for hours. She had spent hours after daily training sessions with Jasper just gazing out over the lakes, allowing her skin and clothes to become soaked by the mist. That had been the last time she had felt true peace. If not for the demon at her side, perhaps she could have experienced that again here.
Greylyn tightened her grip on Mrs. Smith’s arm as she pulled her over to the Carriage House. All she had to do was get the woman inside her room, which was fully protected from just about every known evil entity. The warding spells would take care of the demon, hopefully leaving Mrs. Smith intact.
The risk was that the demon would just find a new victim amongst the crowd of guests. To avoid this scenario, Greylyn determined to eradicate this one before all hell broke loose.
Flinging the door to the Carriage House open, she roughly shoved the little old lady inside. “I knowwhatyou are and why you are here. I’m sorry, but your services will not be needed today or any day for that matter.”
The foyer was tiny, not a lot of space to maneuver. The area was sparsely furnished with an antique Grand Marquis console table and a vintage table lamp. There was barely enough room to stand between the door and the table. Greylyn needed to get Mrs. Smith inside her suite but keeping a hold on the squirming demon was proving difficult in the cramped quarters.
The ideal plan included getting Mrs. Smith inside her own room where the warding spells would dispel the demon. She could not risk the woman breaking free and escaping upstairs to Kael’s room. If the two were in cahoots with each other, and they probably were, then he might have warded his room against angels after her abrupt exit this morning.
Despite being in the body of an eighty-something-year-old lady, the demon was strong and resisted as it flailed around to jerk free. Light gray eyes filled with the deep maroon color of blood.
Unable to let go of the woman to open the door, Greylyn executed Plan B. Wrenching the woman’s arm behind her back, Greylyn began muttering an exorcism in Latin.
Exorcizamus te,
omnis Immndus spiritus,
omnis Satanica potestas,
omnis Incursio infernalis Adversarii omnis legio,
Omnis congregatio et secta diabolica
Greylyn repeated the words several times. All the while, the old lady seethed and spat obscenities at her. Her arm screamed in pain as the demon woman’s grip burned claw-like marks into her forearm. The old lady thrashed about as the exorcism started to take effect, but not quickly enough. Something more was needed to speed up the process before someone came looking for them and discovered the ruckus.
Grabbing the vase off the foyer table, Greylyn yanked the flowers out. The demon took the opportunity of being held by only one hand to strike out with her long sharp nails. Pain erupted across her neck and chest as the woman’s nails sliced superficial wounds. Involuntarily, her arm flew out of its own accord and smashed into Mrs. Smith’s overly made-up face.
Her fingers fumbled in her dress pocket for the platinum cross she always carried and dropped it into the vase. Already blessed, the crucifix transformed the regular water into holy water instantly.
One final verse in Latin.
Ergo, draco maiedicte, Ecciesiam, tuam securi tibi Facias iibertate servire,
Te rogamus. Audi Nos!
Trapping the woman’s arm behind her, Greylyn held her still with one arm wrapped around her chest. Prying her mouth open, she poured the holy water down her throat. The demon gagged and tried to spit the water out. But she clamped the woman’s jaws together before slamming her against the wall to force the being to swallow.
The justice of the peace’s body convulsed violently. Unable to scream, sizzling sounds erupted as the holy water burned out the evil entity. The red in her eyes faded away until her eyes rolled back in her head completely. Finally, Mrs. Smith crumpled to the floor.
Please do not be dead!
Greylyn knelt to check the woman’s pulse. A very faint thumping. At least the experience had not killed her outright. Mrs. Smith must have been made of sturdy stuff to withstand such supernatural violence at her age.
Struggling with remorse that Mrs. Smith suffered bodily injuries, Greylyn forced the guilt back down. Once the demon possessed the woman’s body, she had had no other option but to perform the dangerous exorcism.
The foyer was a mess. The justice of the peace was barely hanging on to dear life. And Greylyn was covered in cuts and burns.
Now, how am I going to explain this?
Pulling out her cell phone from her dress pocket, she dialed 911 and tried to straighten the place up and remove any signs that would indicate a struggle.
She could explain away most things. The bruises suffered by the woman could be due to her fall, which could have been caused by a seizure. The marks on her arms and neck could be the result of the woman flailing about before she ultimately collapsed.
With assistance now on its way, she would have to inform the others in the house of what had transpired.