She unleashed her best ‘slasher-movie-actress’ scream for help.
Chapter 20
The Show Must Go On
Kael had been the first one to the scene, followed by everyone else wearing confused looks. Now that poor Mrs. Smith had been whisked away by the ambulance, the dour expressions of every member of the wedding party matched the overcast sky.
Maureen assured the group that her long-time friend, Mrs. Smith, would not want her unfortunate condition to destroy the couple’s happy day.
Sure, the human Mrs. Edith Smith would not want that.
Greylyn worried that the lady would not fully recover from this fiasco and whether she would have any memory of what transpired. The doctors would certainly commit her to the psychiatric ward if she told them the truth.
One of the late arrivals, the groom’s friend, Tony, who certainly did not win any awards for couth, had to be the one to state the obvious …
“Unless someone’s an ordained minister or a magistrate, this wedding won’t happen.”
Maureen offered to make a few calls to local clergy to see if anyone was available. With it being a Saturday, the odds were slim. However, Greylyn had an answer, but she did not know how well it would go over.
“Kelly and Matthew, can I speak with you both privately?”
They readily agreed and followed her to the kitchen. Luckily, the bride was still in her pre-wedding attire, so the groom had not seen her wedding gown. However, worry clouded the young woman’s facial expression and a glimmer of blue speckles shone in her hazel eyes. Even Matthew’s usual carefree smile had faded.
After sitting down at a small kitchen table, Greylyn explained her proposition. “It’s a long story, but the gist of it is that a friend requested that I conduct his wedding ceremony a few years ago to a lovely woman he met in Guatemala while working for Doctors without Borders.”
She did not mention that she had saved him from drug addiction or that he had had an unbelievably bad experience with the minister of the church he had grown up in. All Luke had needed was some divine healing and a good therapist.
“So, technically…I’m ordained to perform weddings.”
The bride’s eyes lit up like fireworks. Kelly jumped up and embraced Greylyn in a warm hug. “God must have sent you here this weekend! You are truly a miracle!”
She does not realize just how close to the truth she is.
Matthew called Maureen into the kitchen to share the good news. Greylyn hurried back to the Carriage House to call Thomas in private. She hoped he could find her ordained minister certificate from Old Dominion University.
Thomas was slightly taken aback. “I’m not your personal secretary, toots! If you recall, I am a bit backlogged with all your other requests. Something about protecting a bride and unborn baby … checking on recent trends in demon army recruitment … Tenju … Kael’s political aspirations … oh, and a prophecy. Not to mention I have seventy-five research papers to read before Monday morning’s class.”
Greylyn realized she probably was asking him for way too much. She usually did. Perhaps she should not have come to depend on him as much as she had. Utilizing her best, most flirtatious voice, she begged him to be quick about it and to call her back ASAP before blowing a loud kiss over the phone. Inwardly, she swore to make it up to him soon and to show him more appreciation.
At the completion of the call, there was a stiff knock on the door of her suite. Opening the door, she found a handsome devil with an intense look of curiosity. Her heart skipped a beat.
Damn him! I have enough to deal with right now.
In his stylish slate-gray designer suit, cream-colored button-down shirt with French cuffs and dazzling pearl cuff links and a plum-colored tie, Kael reminded her of a young Laurence Olivier with his rakish smile. Even standing a few feet apart from him, her knees went weak and her breath caught in her throat.
“I would invite you in, Kael, but we both know that’s not possible.”
“Perhaps you would do me the honor of joining me on the covered porch outside your room then. Unless your warding spells extended to the outdoors as well.”
He was right, of course. The porch was open territory. Without responding, she shut the door in his face and strode over to the French doors. Kael was already sitting in the cushioned loveseat, patting the place next to him. Reluctantly, she acquiesced.
Trying to appear nonchalant, Greylyn asked, “So how may I help you, sir?” All the while she fought the way her traitorous body nearly hummed in response to his closeness. Maybe there was an inoculation she could get when this was over to counter the hold he seemed to have on her. Surely, someone in the pharmaceutical world had an interest in supernatural medicine and could cure this.
Leaning in close, his breath warmed her face. However, it was not the temperature that caused heat to creep up her neck to flush over her cheeks. “Just curious as to what happened earlier and if you’re okay. Seems to me you have had a veryeventfulvacation.”
“Funny, I thought if anyone knew what has been happening lately, it would be you. Don’t tell me that you weren’t apprised of the Hail Mary plan to get at Kelly and her baby.” Although she whispered the words to avoid being overheard by anyone in or around the house, it contained all the force of a scream.
His eyes narrowed and creases formed over his usually smooth forehead. “I knew nothing about Mrs. Smith. She certainly was not working for me. Don’t you think a simple demon possession would be beneath my talents anyway?” A perfectly full eyebrow shot up quizzically. “Why don’t you explain what happened to cause the old lady to collapse earlier?”