“Aha!” There it was. Greylyn recognized the tension in his voice and the reason he was being so snippy. He was nervous about his date.
With a smirk Greylyn could hear in his rough voice, he added, “However, I will pass on the university’s new paralegal if you want to send me that little blonde bombshell friend of yours.”
Laughter bubbled up again and she relaxed. The blonde bombshell was a case she worked six months ago. Candace, an up-and-coming model, had been tempted into the less glamorous side of the entertainment business to further her career. She had shown Thomas a picture of Candace after sending her ass back to Nebraska. He had relentlessly asked for her number.
“You know I love and adore ya, big guy!” she cooed over the phone and blew him a sloppy sounding kiss. “But Candace stays where she is. You’re a smoking hot guy! Go on your date. Buy yourself a seltzer water and seduce her with that sexy accent and big puppy-dog eyes.”
She received a gruff pfft in reply. “Can’t blame a man for trying.”
“Thanks for the help, Sparky. Enjoy your date. I want all the juicy details tomorrow morning. I better get back to the main house and see what I can find out. The devil should be finished with his dinner by now.”
Before hanging up, she added, “Next time I get a goodbusiness mixed with pleasurelocale like this one, you are coming along. We both deserve a real vacation.”
“I will take you up on that, doll. But do not think that we’ll be staying in separate rooms,” he teased.
“Just if you bring the paralegal back to your place, don’t scare her away by watchingMystery Science Theaterall night, okay? At least get some heavy petting in or something. The research can wait until tomorrow morning.”
“Research? Tomorrow? I’m done, kitten. Unlike some people, I can multitask. Pulled the files from the inn regarding guests for this weekend, so I have their names. Kelly and Matthew Ferguson. Northern Virginia address. Looks like only the newlyweds are staying there. No other rooms are booked. Even have the list of vendors for the wedding. I’ll run background checks on everyone before I leave tonight. Already sent the files to your email.”
“Damn! You are good.”How did he do that?
“So, should I wear the scholarly button-down and sweater vest or the plaid flannel?”
Rolling her eyes, Greylyn knew he was kidding. At least, she hoped he was kidding. He would not really go on a first date dressed either way. Right?
“Stud muffin. Wear your skinny jeans and a too-small plain cotton tee that she can rip off you later. If you break out that sweater vest, I will burn it the next time I’m there.” Seriously, Mister Rogers dressed more dapper than Thomas.
“Come on! All my students love the sweater vest.” His tone was offended, but she did not believe that for a second.
“Have a good time and don’t be too late, sweetie. And…thanks, Thomas. You’re the best!”
“Well, of course, I am.” After an uncomfortable pause, he added, “You know, a date wouldn’t hurt you either…”
With a kiss to him over the phone, Greylyn laid on the bed for a few moments longer after hanging up. Twirling the chain with the metal band around her neck, she took deep, cleansing breaths. She already felt better about the potential for danger this weekend, but she refused to engage in another debate with Thomas about why guardians should not date. Besides the fact she would outlive anyone she possibly came to care about, which would cause tremendous pain, how could she endanger anyone else’s life in that way? Just being in her orbit could mark that person with a death sentence from vengeful demons. Allowing Thomas into her life had not been her decision. The stubborn man had refused to take “no” for an answer. Perhaps he considered it a life debt after she had saved him from the bottle. Regardless, she worried some evil monster would discover her affiliation with him and use him against her.
The bull frogs from the small pond outside her window broke through her reverie. Armored with more confidence than she had felt since arriving at Gaelic Haven, she took one last look in the mirror to smooth back her wayward, raven hair before walking back out the door and into whatever lay ahead of her in the main house.
Back outside, she peered up at the window she had seen the vision in earlier. She pulled out her phone to check the files from Thomas. He had even attached pictures of the happy couple.
Handsome young man with a dark complexion and even darker chocolate eyes. Lovely woman with strawberry hair, freckles, and startling large hazel-green eyes. Yep, that was the woman from the vision. No doubt.
But something nagged at her. Greylyn could not place what it was. It was like a clue was staring her in the face, but she could not see it clearly enough. With a shrug, she put the phone back in her pocket and took a deep breath before opening the door to the main house. No way she would allow Kael to spoil the couple’s joyous new life.
Chapter 7
After Dinner Drinks
Main House Pub
Celtic music drifted from the pub. “Bonny Portmore,” sung by the refined soprano voice of Loreena McKennitt, elicited memories of profuse fields of green for as far as the eye could see sprang.
Believing the innkeeper to be in the kitchen cleaning up, she headed that way first. What she found was a shock – Kael up to his elbows in suds at the kitchen sink. Luckily, he did not see her, so she softly backpedaled away from the door and headed towards the pub.
She found Maureen relaxing in a lowboy chair sipping her wine. It was hauntingly beautiful. Her eyes were closed, and a smile played at the corners of her mouth. She may have only been atGaelic Havena short time on her first visit, but she could read her friend’s expression clearly. Maureen was reminiscing about her late husband, Robert. Even if the widow could not see him, Greylyn sensed Robert’s presence in the room – the light waft of a cigar.
Hating to disturb her, she quietly entered the pub. “Sorry about earlier,” Greylyn started to apologize.
Maureen’s eyes fluttered open. “Well, you look much better now. The color is back in your face.”