Before she even got the dreaded words out to ask if he was drinking again, he stopped her.
“Just joking with ya, luv. Geez, can’t even mention the stuff without you jumping down my throat!”
“Sorry, Tommy boy. It’s been one of those days. You promise? No odd stubby or whatever you call that stuff?”
“Yes, what do ya want to pinky swear or something?” With a grateful sigh, Greylyn told him about her dilemma.
“I’m supposed to be on vacation,” she whined. “Yet here I am having to deal with Evil’s Number One Jerk!”
“Kael? Again? Someone needs to send that bugger packing back to the fiery depths.” Greylyn could not agree more. “Guess you can’t just slice and dice him and get it over with?”
A snicker escaped her lips. “It could raise a few unfortunate questions if I slaughtered the wedding photographer.”
“I see your dilemma.” There was a pause on the line with only the faint tapping of what she guessed was a pen or pencil against his chin. “Any indication why Kael’s there? Sorry about your vacation but looks like you’ve been called in for duty.”
“Yeah, seems that way, huh?” Greylyn sighed deeply. She filled him in on what little she did know. “… but I still have no idea what I’m up against. Hoping to find out more when the happy couple arrive. Until then …”
“Until then, you got nothing. My suggestion stands…slice and dice until he squeals. In the meantime, I can run a background check on the bride and groom and any guests, if that’ll help ya. Maybe see if any of my contacts have any information about the dark one’s recent activities. Don’t suppose he’s been in a sharing mood and told ya anything?”
“Oh yeah, he spilled everything as soon as I arrived.”
Thomas responded with a low guttural laugh. “I bet the bastard did. Doesn’t he know by now not to mess with my lil angel girl? Just flash your mood eyes at him. That’ll send him packing.”
Greylyn giggled as she collapsed onto the bed now that she was relaxed. Yes, Thomas made it abundantly clear long ago that his favorite aspect of her appearance was her mood eyes. According to him, her usually emerald green eyes morphed bright blue whenever she was upset or angry. The angrier she was, the bluer her eyes glowed. She had never witnessed the transition, but it was a subject that Thomas and Jasper agreed on – if they saw blue, they knew to run…fast!
Thomas got down to business. “Any guardian angel insight that would assist my search? A gut feeling which way this thing is headed?”
“Just an obscure vision that didn’t tell me too much. Bride silently screaming inside the manor. Most likely, she’s the one in need of saving.” From what was the question. What could Kael have planned? With him, it could be just about anything.
“Almost sounds too obvious though, darling. Kael is much more devious than that. He likes to come at you from odd angles, never directly from where you’re expecting him. Can’t rule out anybody or anything.”
He had an excellent point. Thomas continued, “If you can, snag me the guest list.”
This was exactly what she needed. Just moments ago, she had been too distracted to think straight. Something that wasnot acceptable since someone needed her help. Thomas’s voice and no-nonsense approach set her mind back on track. The mission. That was what she needed to focus on. Not some sexy, infuriating dark guardian with gold-flecked eyes.
Stop thinking about the eyes!
Apparently, she had zoned out again as Thomas’s voice took on a note of strain. “Earth to Grey! Ya there, doll? Come on! I know the sound of my sexy voice makes you weak at the knees and swoon, but seriously … now is not the time to daydream about me in my knickers. There’ll be time for that later.”
A long overdue giggle burst out of her chest.
“Hey, Hey! I am not that funny! Seriously … admit it! You were imagining me in my drawers, weren’t you?” Greylyn could almost hear Thomas wink.
“Okay. Okay. Back to business. No more fantasies!”
“Good. Sorry to throw cold water on ya, luv, but I kinda got a date tonight so let’s hurry this along.” The tenor of his voice put her a little on edge. He was trying too hard to sound lighthearted. Besides, despite being a total Aussie hunk, he was also a recluse for the most part. He came out of his house to teach psychology and occult classes at the local college, but as far as she knew he had been dateless for most of the time she had known him.
“A date? Really?”
“Yes. A date! You know that thing where a man and woman go out, have a bit of dinner, make small talk, smooch for a while and then not call each other the next day or ever … a date!”
“I am mildly familiar with the term, yes.”
“Besides, I think I deserve a little time off. I am overworked and underpaid. Your buddy Jasper has been as annoying as ever. I curse the day you gave that jerk my number! He expects the impossible from me. Then, of course, there is the resurgence of wiccans thinking they are full blown witches. Had couple incidents here on campus just this week that ended with a burned building and one fatality.” With a chuckle, he added, “I wish Hollywood producers would tone it down on the glorification of witches and warlocks. Every millennial and Gen Z-er across the country wants to be aCharmed Oneor fall in love with a vampire. Even zombies are making a comeback.”
Greylyn understood his frustration. Two of her last assignments had dealt with that very thing. Seriously, how could anyone be attracted to a bloodsucker? And zombies? Just…yuck!
Thomas continued, “Maybe I should’ve stayed at Harvard, whiling my days away teaching philosophy and a bit of psychology to the under-informed. All I had to do was cut the occult crap from the class. At least those morons paid well. Working as an undervalued and underpaid parapsychology professor in this dump of a so-called college town while being angelic guardians’ personal freelance research assistant can make a man cranky. Just need to feel loved, my dear. You understand. One date, that’s all I’m asking for.”