Page 10 of My Cupid Holidate

Taking her closest hand, I bring it up and over my heart. “You are so beautiful. Thank you for allowing me to give you pleasure.” I know it sounds sappy, but it’s the truth. I feel honored to be the one making her fall to pieces.

Pushing up on her knees next to me and still breathing heavily, my own breath hitches in my throat at the vision she makes.

“I should be thanking you. That was amazing.” Throwing a leg over my waist, she carefully avoids my stitches. Leaning down, she kisses me long and slow. Her hands skim my flesh on the way to the base of my cock. “I need you inside me.”

Best sentence ever. “I’m all yours.” And I am. She just doesn’t know it will be forever.

Our eyes lock as she impales herself onto my cock, setting up a slow, steady pace. Arching her back, her breasts perfectly align for me to capture a nipple in my mouth. To hell with my stitches. I grab her hips, thrusting hard.

She cries out my name. “More! Touch me.” With the sound of our flesh slapping, I reach between us, pinching her clit as she explodes. “Yes, oh yes.”

As her inner walls bear down on my cock, she squeezes me tight, triggering a tingle along the base of my spine. Intense heat immediately flows outward, and I roar my release.

The moment couldn’t be more perfect. As she collapses onto my chest, I wrap my arms around her, holding her close. I never want to let her go.

Heather wrecks me in the very best way. My plan shifts to spending the rest of the night, and well into tomorrow morning, returning the favor. I make love to her again, this time slowly until we both become so desperate for the other— my need to make her come again, hear my name on her lips has me licking her swollen bud until she grabs my hair, riding my tongue as I feel another orgasm slam through her.

She begs me to be inside of her and I thrust into her over and over as we come together. Gasping for air, I settle gently onto her as our breathing evens out. Incredibly, it isn’t long before she wiggles out from under me, riding me until she comes again crying out my name and I quickly follow. The intense pleasure, the deep connection I feel with Heather is mind blowing and cements my feelings for her.

Eventually, exhaustion catches up to me and I lose the battle to stay awake as she traces slow circles along my chest.

The last thing I’m aware of before dropping off is hearing Heather quietly sigh my name. I may have whispered, “I love you,” but since she doesn’t react, I must have only thought it.

No matter, I’d be saying it out loud soon enough.



I wake to multiple, unused parts of my body deliciously sore and achy but in the best possible way. In fact, my body has never been so well loved, er…nope, not going there. I feel incredibly satisfied thanks to the perfect attention Rex gave me.

Rolling over, gazing at his muscular still form, I fight the temptation to wake him and show him just how much last night meant to me.

I lost count of how many orgasms rocked me. Not that having more than one was necessary, but oh, my glorious goodness, they’d been mind-bending experiences I can’t wait to repeat. And that is definitely a thought I’ve never had about any of my exes.

Stretching, I wiggle my bottom against his lean body, brushing up against what I will no longer mistake for his thigh. A giggle escapes me, and I feel lighter than I have in years. Have I ever woken up this way after a night with my ex or one of the handful of boyfriends I’ve had since college? No, no, I have not.

Hmmm. He’s certainly set a high bar for the next guy in my life. I begin to laugh, but quickly sober at the thought of only having a few precious days with Rex and then never experiencing his touch again.

“What has you chuckling so early? Anything you’d like to share?” Rex pulls me into his warm body, which includes his erection.

“Early?” Squinting, I look at the bedside clock. “It’s ten-oh-five. We’ve only got forty-five minutes ’til brunch.” Ignoring my depressing thoughts, I roll over, tugging the sheet over my breasts. Rex quickly tugs it back down, palming the nearest one, and gently squeezes, teasing my nipple until it puckers under his maddening touch. How could I possibly want him again after making love like, what, four times?

Playfully slapping his arm, I say, “Don’t start something you can’t finish. I’ll get in the shower first.” Before I can push the sheet back, he winds his arm over my waist, leaning over me.

“Give me ten minutes. I promise you’ll finish. First.” Rex waggles his eyebrows. Laughing, I scoot out from under him.

“Oh, I have no doubt you can deliver. Especially after last night… and earlier this morning. But I don’t want to be greedy. C’mon, we can’t disappoint the happy couple.” Dropping a quick kiss on his frowny face, I walk to the bathroom. A wolf whistle follows me across the threshold.

Lathering my hair, I work my fingers through the tangles Rex helped create. Last night was… unexpected.

It had been my first time sleeping with someone I barely know. But honestly, I feel closer to Rex than any other man I’ve been with. It’s as if… no, not going there. My heart just repaired itself. Tamara may have found instant love with Stefan, but I know that’s rare. I have no expectations of it happening for me.

But a part of me knows what Rex and I share is more than just off-the-charts, spectacular sex. During the plane trip, it hadn’t taken us —well, me— long to go from awkward pretending to opening up and discovering our likes, our dislikes, and sharing funny anecdotes from our jobs.

After a while, it made me wonder why he’s still single. Handsome, well-paying job with benefits, funny, and smart— Rex is the whole package. For someone else. Pushing that possibility to the back of my mind, I zip through the rest of my shower, dressing quickly before looking for Rex.

I find him sitting at the dining table reading a newspaper, sipping coffee while shirtless. A pair of low-slung sweats cover his legs. I drool. A little. Okay, a lot.